You will already have put the topics into sections,and the sections into a sequence,during the brainstorming phase.Most of the time spent on preparation will be devoted to getting the main body together.It is useful to bear in mind that the various sections themselves,especially the longer and more important ones,can benefit from having beginnings,middles and endings.
Given that audiences cannot always be relied on to remember the overall structure for the entire duration of a presentation,they will welcome occasional reminders of 'where we have got so far',and the ground still to be covered.The use of signposts that point backwards to where we have been,and forwards to where we are going,not only helps the audience to keep on track but also reminds the speakers to stick to the struvture announced at the start.
You will already have put the topics into sections,and the sections into a sequence,during the brainstorming phase.Most of the time spent on preparation will be devoted to getting the main body together.It is useful to bear in mind that the various sections themselves,especially the longer and more important ones,can benefit from having beginnings,middles and endings.
Given that audiences cannot always be relied on to remember the overall structure for the entire duration of a presentation,they will welcome occasional reminders of 'where we have got so far',and the ground still to be covered.The use of signposts that point backwards to where we have been,and forwards to where we are going,not only helps the audience to keep on track but also reminds the speakers to stick to the struvture announced at the start.
在整个演讲过程中观众不可能要一直记住那种总体结构,偶尔提醒他们“我们目前到了哪里‘以及话题仍然在讨论范围之内(the ground still to be covered,这一句不知道翻译的对不对),他们会很高兴.标记的运用,即指出向后看我们已经到了哪里、向前看我们要去哪里,不仅会帮助观众追踪思路也会提醒演讲者维持住从一开始就确定的结构.
在整个演讲过程中观众不可能要一直记住那种总体结构,偶尔提醒他们“我们目前到了哪里‘以及话题仍然在讨论范围之内(the ground still to be covered,这一句不知道翻译的对不对),他们会很高兴.标记的运用,即指出向后看我们已经到了哪里、向前看我们要去哪里,不仅会帮助观众追踪思路也会提醒演讲者维持住从一开始就确定的结构.
- 1水为什么可以降温?
- 2盲童的意思?
- 3英文单词run严格来讲有多少种意思?
- 4A、B两地的距离是80公里,一辆公共汽车从A地驶出3小时后,一辆小汽车也从A地出发,它的速度是公共汽车的3倍,已知小汽车比公共汽车迟20分钟到达B地,求两车速度.
- 5怎样推证摩擦力的公式为f=(1-η)F
- 6挑战的近义词是.
- 7After the race____,the celebration began.A) had been won B) is won C) will be won D)has been won
- 8good see you和good to see you哪句对?
- 9已知不等式ax^2+bx+c>0的解集为α0,求不等式cx^2+bx+a
- 10I close my ese,and i pray .的意思?