写一段150字左右的关于 i am a competitive person 并且给出例子加以说明 例子不要太长 句子不要太难
写一段150字左右的关于 i am a competitive person 并且给出例子加以说明 例子不要太长 句子不要太难
Hello everyone.
My name is snbbqsb.I am a rather competitive person.Since my childhood,I have always been trying to do things better then others around me.That comes from my competitive nature.
Whenever I learn some new skills,I want to be the first one to master those skills and the best one at doing it.
Last summer,I started dancing lessons.I never learned dancing before that,and it was not easy to learn dancing for me.But I worked on it all summer until I can dance like a pro.Now when I hit the floor,my friends always ask me how long I have been dancing and how come they never knew I danced so well.
I always love whatever I set my mind to.As the saying goes,where there is will there is a way.I think,as long as I am determined to do something well,I will always reach my goal.
My name is snbbqsb.I am a rather competitive person.Since my childhood,I have always been trying to do things better then others around me.That comes from my competitive nature.
Whenever I learn some new skills,I want to be the first one to master those skills and the best one at doing it.
Last summer,I started dancing lessons.I never learned dancing before that,and it was not easy to learn dancing for me.But I worked on it all summer until I can dance like a pro.Now when I hit the floor,my friends always ask me how long I have been dancing and how come they never knew I danced so well.
I always love whatever I set my mind to.As the saying goes,where there is will there is a way.I think,as long as I am determined to do something well,I will always reach my goal.
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