Facts that bones remodel throughout your entire life
Limb lengthening surgery: Limb lengthening surgery is an excellent example which proves that bones remodel, re-build, grow, thicken, heal, or lengthen due to a stretching force (either by limb lengthening device or by heavy ankle weights).
With limb lengthening surgery, a large fracture is created when surgeons cut the shinbone in half. Gradually, the doctors use a leg lengthening device to stretch out the bones as new bone growth is formed to fill the gap.
On other hand, a large fracture can never be created with intense sprinting or running. However, microfractures or extremely tiny fractures (in the shinbone) may be created following intense sprinting or running. Instead of using a leg lengthening device, shinbone experimenters may apply ankle weights to stretch out the shinbone.
Bone is a LIVING TISSUE: Ask any scientist or doctor and they will agree. medical student and
Facts that bones remodel throughout your entire life
Limb lengthening surgery: Limb lengthening surgery is an excellent example which proves that bones remodel, re-build, grow, thicken, heal, or lengthen due to a stretching force (either by limb lengthening device or by heavy ankle weights).
With limb lengthening surgery, a large fracture is created when surgeons cut the shinbone in half. Gradually, the doctors use a leg lengthening device to stretch out the bones as new bone growth is formed to fill the gap.
On other hand, a large fracture can never be created with intense sprinting or running. However, microfractures or extremely tiny fractures (in the shinbone) may be created following intense sprinting or running. Instead of using a leg lengthening device, shinbone experimenters may apply ankle weights to stretch out the shinbone.
Bone is a LIVING TISSUE: Ask any scientist or doctor and they will agree. medical student and
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