I believe you my sweety,that you chat only with me and so much,but this is not very real relations,real relations,when we can see each other and look in our eyes...do you understand?we cannot feel our communication in the internet,know it?
so maybe I'm not as many boys,I'm hardworking,yes...so maybe you like it really...I'm doing everything for you...you like when boys say you good words about pics?so I do not like when I see other boy's commnets on your profile,i feel something not good in my heart...I like when only I can say you my true feelings and thoughts...you know my baby?))
I believe you my sweety,that you chat only with me and so much,but this is not very real relations,real relations,when we can see each other and look in our eyes...do you understand?we cannot feel our communication in the internet,know it?
so maybe I'm not as many boys,I'm hardworking,yes...so maybe you like it really...I'm doing everything for you...you like when boys say you good words about pics?so I do not like when I see other boy's commnets on your profile,i feel something not good in my heart...I like when only I can say you my true feelings and thoughts...you know my baby?))
- 1you,small,got,a,have,please,T-shirt 连词成句
- 2硫酸钡可不可以电离.
- 3大气层的厚度在南极和赤道上空是否不同?
- 4英语作文 a visit to a farm
- 5为什么浓硝酸遇紫色石蕊剂先变红在褪色
- 6劳动力成为商品是货币转化为资本的前提条件,是因为货币所有者购买的劳动力能够带来剩余价值.
- 7高等数学计算极限
- 8甲/乙两车同时从a地开往b地,当甲车行到全程的1/3处时,乙车离b地还有352千米;当甲车达到b地时,乙车才行了全程的80%,求ab两地相距多少?
- 9从-1,0,1,2,3这5个数中任选3个不同的数作为二次函数y=ax²+bx+c的系数.
- 10南方人以大米为主食英语句子 The people in the south -----------------------------------------------
- 1it says the rain will stop later____.括号里填什么,
- 21、一项工程,甲、乙两组合做12天完成,两组合做8天后,甲组调离工地,由乙组继续做6天完成.如果甲、乙两组单独做,各需要多少天完成全部工程?
- 3长江三峡的作用是什么
- 4圆柱和圆锥有什么不同之处
- 5如图4所示,物体浸没在水中时,所受的浮力为1N,如果直接将该物体投入水中,该物体将下沉;该物体的体积为?
- 6已知二元一次方程组{a1x+b1y=c1,a2x+b2y=c2,当满足 时,方程组有唯一的解?当满足 时 ,方程组有无数组解?当
- 7在平静的湖面上,有一支红莲,高出水面1米,阵风吹来,红莲被吹到一边,花朵齐及水面,已知红莲移动的水平距离为2米,问这里水深是( ) A.1米 B.1.5米 C.2米 D.2.5米
- 8活化能与温度的关系
- 9110+40+100等于几?答案非250的进
- 10数学坐标终点公式