Once when a woman got into car and was ready
When a woman got into her car and was ready
to say goodbay to her friend ,she noticed that a car started up right hers .
It was about 2:00 a.m.and there were not any other cars on the road .After she
drove to the highway ,she found that a young man was driving a car and was
following her .Sometimes ,he got up close to her car ,and just followed
right behind her .She was scared to death and called her husband at once ,and
told him what was happening .
Soon her husband arrived and waited for her
on the roadside .The woman stopped her car on the left side of the road .The
man jumped out of the car .the woman is husband ran over and shouted ,“Why
are you following my wife ” “ I followed her because I was going to work .As
I got into my car ,I noticed that a man was hiding in your wife,s
back seat and was going to hurt her .” The husband went over to the back seat
and opened the door .He saw
When a woman got into her car and was ready
to say goodbay to her friend ,she noticed that a car started up right hers .
It was about 2:00 a.m.and there were not any other cars on the road .After she
drove to the highway ,she found that a young man was driving a car and was
following her .Sometimes ,he got up close to her car ,and just followed
right behind her .She was scared to death and called her husband at once ,and
told him what was happening .
Soon her husband arrived and waited for her
on the roadside .The woman stopped her car on the left side of the road .The
man jumped out of the car .the woman is husband ran over and shouted ,“Why
are you following my wife ” “ I followed her because I was going to work .As
I got into my car ,I noticed that a man was hiding in your wife,s
back seat and was going to hurt her .” The husband went over to the back seat
and opened the door .He saw
1C ,2这题应该是问scared是什么意思吧?如果是scared话就选D ,3C ,4A ,5C
- 1高2数学某同学参加3门课程的考试.假设该同学第一门课程取得优秀成绩的
- 2若关于x的方程(x+1)2=1-k没有实根,则k的取值范围是( ) A.k<1 B.k<-1 C.k≥1 D.k>1
- 3植物的果实中含有大量水,能证明大气中有水吗?
- 4作者又为什么用许多笔墨去写方仲永幼年时期的天资?
- 5解方程7.5+ 2.5x=100
- 6如图,已知一次函数y=-x+8和反比例函数y=k/x图象在第一象限内有两个不同的公共点A、B. (1)求实数k的取值范围; (2)若△AOB的面积S=24,求k的值.
- 7一理想变压器 减小负载电阻R的阻值 则变压器输入功率将如何变化?
- 8be in bed go to bed区别?
- 93.1416×6.4955+3.1416×(-5.4955).
- 10一个底面积是30平方厘米,高是20厘米的圆柱形量杯里盛有400ML水,放入3颗同样大小的钢珠.水面上升4厘米.
- 1怎样解:铯的逸出功是3.0*10^19J,用波长是0.59m的黄光照射铯,求电子从表面飞出的最大初动能是多大?
- 2古代的刺史、州牧、太守、县令有什么区别?
- 3is,one,biue,the,my,sweater,the,father,in,连词成句 is,one,biue,the,my,sweater
- 4有关尊严的诗句
- 5如图所示的电路中,电源电压和灯泡电阻保持不变,闭合开关S,将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动,则( ) A.电流表示数增大,电压表示数减小 B.电流表示数减小,电压表示数增大 C.电流
- 6甲乙丙丁四个班绿化植树,甲班种树占总数的五分之一,乙班占总数的25%,丙丁两班种树的比是5:6.如果甲班比
- 7英语翻译
- 8下列说法正确的是( ) A.负数和零没有平方根 B.12002的倒数是2002 C.22是分数 D.0和1的相反数是它本身
- 9y=以2为底x-2/x+2的对数的值域怎么求?要过程
- 10测定溶液的电导率有何实际应用?