当前位置: > Topic:Some people think that development in technology is causing environmental problems,while other...
Topic:Some people think that development in technology is causing environmental problems,while others say that technology can solve these problems.Discuss both views.
In many parts of the world,it is quite common these days for people to use state-of-the-art facilities in daily life,which is regarded as bread and butter as well.While,when these facilities bring about convenience to people,they also bring on environmental problems at the same time.
Protection of the environment is increasingly becoming the focus of government and citizen concern in many places of the world.In order to reduce the high technology impact on environmental pollution,some people advocate that it is better for people to start a new lifestyle,which is without any kind of electronic products,plastic products and so on.For instance,communication technology makes people meet with each other fewer.So,they think if life they do like green lifestyle,they will meet friends more often ,as well as become cheerfu


首先我觉得你写的偏题了题目是叫你讨论两个观点 一:科技造成环境问题 二:科技可以解决问题应该是这么写1.科技造成哪些环境问题 2.科技如何解决问题 3.总结科技虽然给环境造成问题 但是不是造成环境问题的唯一原因,...
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