当前位置: > A television news story has led to the reunion twin sisters who were separated at birth 28 years ago...
A television news story has led to the reunion twin sisters who were separated at birth 28 years ago.Nina Rosario and Alicia Torres were born in 1980 in Mendoza,Argentina(阿根廷).Their mother,an unmarried 21-year-old,was unable to take care of the twins and l_________ them at an orphanage (孤儿院).
x05The two girls were adopted by different families.They both are the only child in the new family and grew up not knowing that she had a twin sister.However,they both had a feeling that something was missing.Nina says,“I felt l________ growing up but I didn’t know why.”
x05While Nina was doing some housework last week,something on a local news programme caught her eye.It was Alicia being interviewed by a reporter.“I couldn’t believe it.It was like looking at a mirror.” Nina couldn’t wait any longer.She contacted(联系)the TV station i__________,and asked the reporter about the mystery woman.“I found out that the woman was Alicia Torres,an artist from Buenos Aires.I got her contact details fr


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