Do you think that teachers should set up a good relationship with the students?Why?
Please tell me your own opinions and then leave at least 3 reasons.
At least 30 words.
Please tell me your own opinions and then leave at least 3 reasons.
At least 30 words.
Yes,I do.
Because teaching is the job of the teacher,teacher need to communicate
with students when he is doing his job.It is necessary for the work.
In addition,a good relationship between teachers and students can make
the education better,it is helpful to both.
Last,we should set up a good relationship with others,it will make you feel good and live a happy life.The students also should set up a good relationship with the teachers !
Because teaching is the job of the teacher,teacher need to communicate
with students when he is doing his job.It is necessary for the work.
In addition,a good relationship between teachers and students can make
the education better,it is helpful to both.
Last,we should set up a good relationship with others,it will make you feel good and live a happy life.The students also should set up a good relationship with the teachers !
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