hi,my name is carlis,and i am looking for a person who can help me improve my english.
i saw ur profile and the problems u solved.And i think u r the person i am looking for.can u do me this favor?
Thank you,guys,i just wanna find a person who can practice english with me,make me move forward in reading,talking,and so on.If someone could leave a contact address,that would be perfect.
i saw ur profile and the problems u solved.And i think u r the person i am looking for.can u do me this favor?
Thank you,guys,i just wanna find a person who can practice english with me,make me move forward in reading,talking,and so on.If someone could leave a contact address,that would be perfect.
You want to learn English?But you do not know how to learn it?You are looking for a person to teach you to learn EnglishIs that true?你想问的是不是这样呢?你想要找一个提高的你的英语,You can find a Engl...
- 1绝对值大于2且小于5的所有整数的和是( ) A.0 B.7 C.14 D.28
- 2The more you explain,the more confused I am.这句话的后半句为什么要倒装?
- 3一个分数的分子缩小到原来的四分之一,分母不变,分数的大小发生了什么变化快
- 4一个数由13个亿、26个十万和3个千组成,这个数写作 ( )改写成用万作单位的数是( ),省略亿后面的尾数约是( )
- 5一个月亮等于几个地球?
- 6反比例函数y=1/x和y=-1/x的图像为什么不关于原点对称?
- 7一个比赛的赛上面,下面一个足字念什么?
- 8树的高时1.5,影子长时1.2,同一时间测得另一棵大树是,因大树靠近大楼,一部分影子落在墙上,已知地面上
- 9The Smiths bought a new house but () will need a lot of work before they can live in it.
- 10如何制作伽利略望远镜?
- 1某中学拟组织八年级师生去某爱国主义教育基地参观学习,下面是王老师和小华、小明同学有关租车问题的对话: 王老师:“龙腾客运公司有60座和45座两种型号的客车可供租用,60座客车每
- 2根据字母o,s,h,e,u写单词
- 3Let is go to the restaurant.翻译
- 4因为可以学到英语在这用because of
- 5一个小数,如果把小数部分乘2,原来的小数就变成2点6;如果乘7,原来的小数就变成6点6.那么,原来这个小
- 62.6平方千米=( )公顷=( )平方米
- 71.67^2减1.33^2=(),77^2+77×46+23^2
- 8谁知道“她一发现自行车丢了就大哭起来”怎么用外语翻译啊(not sooner…than…)
- 9锅炉炉水碱度小,ph值高怎么办
- 10甲、乙两数的和是264,把甲数的小数点向左移动一位,则两数相等.甲、乙两数各是多少?