题目是what is the relationship between work and pleasure?
题目是what is the relationship between work and pleasure?
评论1 ┆ 举报
4月14日 19:39 对话如下:
A:Speaking of fairy tales,do you still remember those famous stories like snow white and little mermaid?
B:Yes,of course.How could I forget?I was crazy about those stories,especially little mermaid.
A:Well,personally,I prefer snow white.Because you know,i don't like tradedy like little mermaid.
B:But in most of the case,compared with comedy,tragedy like little mermaid is more unforgetable.
A:Maybe,sometimes.But i do hate that two lovers who love each other so much end up with separation or death.
B:That is exactly the beauty of the little mermaid.
A:I don't get it.How comes?
B:You see,if the little mermaid and prince have a happy ending,there is little room for people to imagine.
A:I get your point here.As I see it,fairy tales are supposed to make people happy rather than sad.When i finished snow white,i had a good mood for the rest of my day.
B:As far as I am concerned,fairy tales are the reflection of life,so there should be happy one and sad one.
A:Yes,life is colorful.But still,i like snow white without doubt.
B:That's your choice,and i have mine.Oh,it is time for class.Shall we talk about it later.
A:Sure,see you around.Nice talk with you.
揪错 ┆ 评论 ┆ 举报
4月14日 19:39 对话如下:
A:Speaking of fairy tales,do you still remember those famous stories like snow white and little mermaid?
B:Yes,of course.How could I forget?I was crazy about those stories,especially little mermaid.
A:Well,personally,I prefer snow white.Because you know,i don't like tradedy like little mermaid.
B:But in most of the case,compared with comedy,tragedy like little mermaid is more unforgetable.
A:Maybe,sometimes.But i do hate that two lovers who love each other so much end up with separation or death.
B:That is exactly the beauty of the little mermaid.
A:I don't get it.How comes?
B:You see,if the little mermaid and prince have a happy ending,there is little room for people to imagine.
A:I get your point here.As I see it,fairy tales are supposed to make people happy rather than sad.When i finished snow white,i had a good mood for the rest of my day.
B:As far as I am concerned,fairy tales are the reflection of life,so there should be happy one and sad one.
A:Yes,life is colorful.But still,i like snow white without doubt.
B:That's your choice,and i have mine.Oh,it is time for class.Shall we talk about it later.
A:Sure,see you around.Nice talk with you.
揪错 ┆ 评论 ┆ 举报
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