1.No matter at what level one is involved in systems development,whether as a senior systems analyst or as a maintenance programmer,possession of two particular areas of knowledge provides an enormous advantage in making one’s contribution effective:an understanding of the capabilities of the technology and an understanding of what people want to do with it and want it to do for them.
2.The quantity and quality of each knowledge domain necessary for any particular role might vary,but one without the other is a distinct handicap.
3.It has been our intention in writing this book to try to provide both sets of knowledge with regard to mobile commerce and the supporting mobile computing and wireless technology.
4.This has presented us wit
1.No matter at what level one is involved in systems development,whether as a senior systems analyst or as a maintenance programmer,possession of two particular areas of knowledge provides an enormous advantage in making one’s contribution effective:an understanding of the capabilities of the technology and an understanding of what people want to do with it and want it to do for them.
2.The quantity and quality of each knowledge domain necessary for any particular role might vary,but one without the other is a distinct handicap.
3.It has been our intention in writing this book to try to provide both sets of knowledge with regard to mobile commerce and the supporting mobile computing and wireless technology.
4.This has presented us wit
我觉得的你翻译的实在不怎么样,说实话,不看原文根本不知道你说的是什么,当然我的水平还不如你,更不会修改.只是觉得有几个地方有不同的意见1、No matter at what level one is involved in systems development 这里...
- 1求一些描写大山的雄伟壮观的诗句,很有气势的那种.
- 2take your 美国的
- 3某学生骑自行车从学校去县城,先以每小时12KM的速度下山,而后以每小时9KM的速度通过平路到到达县城,共用去55分钟.返回时,他以每小时8KM的速度通过平路,再以每小时4KM的速度上山回到学校,又用去
- 4一汽车以20米秒的速度向一山崖开进,途中鸣了一声笛,2秒后听到山崖传来回声.当司机听到回声时,汽车离山崖还有多远?
- 5两个共点力的F1F2大小均为F,它们的合力F合方向可以同时和F1 F2方向垂直吗
- 6happy midwinter
- 7将初一上学期语文课本第五课文言文《童趣》简练的翻译成现代文.
- 8秘鲁寒流的具体成因是什么?
- 9定单数量英语怎么说?
- 101)The clock is on the table .(用There be 句型改写)
- 1决和绝的区别?
- 2已知直线Y=2X+1和Y=3X+B的交点在第3象限,写出常数B可能的两个数值.
- 3如何确定相关关系中的因变量和自变量
- 4利民水果店,运来的梨比橘子多840千克,梨的重量是橘子的1.5倍,橘子和梨各重多少千克?
- 5水分子化学式
- 6用一个底面是边长8厘米的正方形 高为20厘米的长方体容器 测量一个底面积是50平方厘米的圆锥形铅锤的体积 容器中装的水距离杯口还有2厘米 把圆锥形铅锤放入容器中 有部分水溢出 当把圆锥形铅锤取出后 水
- 7正弦余弦 三角函数
- 8妈妈带了90元钱买了一件上衣(39元)和一件裙子(29元),大约还剩多少钱?
- 9钢铁是怎样炼成的题目
- 10x^2+y^2+6x-4+兰姆达=0兰姆达不等于-1