In 1987,the CEOs of 24 American companies earned in excess of $5 million,including bonuses and stock option profits.At least 300 CEOs earned $1 million or more.Yet only 30 chief executives of European companies,and even less in Asian companies,had seven-figure earnings that year (Tully,1988).Perhaps American CEO salaries are a culture- specific phenomenon driven by the nation's history,social norms,and government policies.While American CEOs are enjoying large financial gains,the companies they lead may be struggling or even losing ground.Sethi and Namiki (1986) contend that the prevailing compensation sys- tem in U.S.industry,particularly in large corporations,has produced executives who are failing either to better economic values for stock- holders or to make American industry internationally competitive.the world market place.Regrettably,executive compensation has traditionally been based on relative status rather than contribution or merit (Kanter,1987).
In 1987,the CEOs of 24 American companies earned in excess of $5 million,including bonuses and stock option profits.At least 300 CEOs earned $1 million or more.Yet only 30 chief executives of European companies,and even less in Asian companies,had seven-figure earnings that year (Tully,1988).Perhaps American CEO salaries are a culture- specific phenomenon driven by the nation's history,social norms,and government policies.While American CEOs are enjoying large financial gains,the companies they lead may be struggling or even losing ground.Sethi and Namiki (1986) contend that the prevailing compensation sys- tem in U.S.industry,particularly in large corporations,has produced executives who are failing either to better economic values for stock- holders or to make American industry internationally competitive.the world market place.Regrettably,executive compensation has traditionally been based on relative status rather than contribution or merit (Kanter,1987).
- 1一个圆环,外圆半径5分米,内圆半径3分米,这个圆环的面积是多少平方分米?
- 2求小学三年级童话类演讲稿,要通过故事讲一个道理的,3分钟左右
- 3秋天的雨从哪四个方面写的
- 4英语翻译
- 5The Chinese like to eat chopsticks
- 6一个等腰三角形的周长是45cm,其中一条边的长度占周长的2/9.这个三角形的三条边分别长多少cm
- 7功夫不负有心人的作文议论文,最好仿照《真理诞生于一百个问号之后》来写,450字,
- 8设集合A={1,2},B={a,b},写出集合A到B的所有二元关系
- 9The whole family were worried about Jean because no one was aware____she had gone.
- 10氧气中混有二氧化碳,用什么除去,方程式?
- 1英语翻译:带上你的眼镜,然后你就能看见羊肉.()() your glasses and you can see the ()
- 2同学们中的优点和缺点,你怎样对待?(用孔子原话回答,共有两则)
- 3如果函数f(x)=2x^3+ax^2+1在x=2处取得极值,则常数a为?
- 4聪明者请进!
- 5六年级学生去植树,男生植树320棵,比女生多植20%,比女生多植了多少棵?
- 6希望求得解题过程,1.中子星的密度是 1×10∧14吨/立方
- 71.括号表明行文中注释性的话,破折号也有这种作用,它们的解释说明都是正文的一部分(对或错)
- 8世界上活的最长年龄的人是谁?活了多少岁?怎么死的?自然死亡还是疾病?
- 9一条水渠的横截面是梯形,渠底宽为0.8米,当水深为0.5米时,水面宽为1.2米,水流速度是每秒0.6米,这条水渠每分钟能流水多少立方米?
- 10下列会计报表中,属于反映企业财务成果的对外报表是(多选 )