a diffcult English problem
The giraffe is the tallest modern l________ animals.It can be over 5.5 meters tall.Its neck along may be 1.9 meters long yet the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck,the same n______ as in the human's.Each bone in a giraffe's neck is very long while the bones in a human neck are small.That makes the d________.A female giraffe gives birth to o_____ baby at a time.The baby called a calf is about 1.9 meters tall at birth.By the a________
of eight it is full-grown.The giraffe eats m_________ leaves because it has a long neck it can reach the leaves h_________ up the tree.
The giraffe is the tallest modern l________ animals.It can be over 5.5 meters tall.Its neck along may be 1.9 meters long yet the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck,the same n______ as in the human's.Each bone in a giraffe's neck is very long while the bones in a human neck are small.That makes the d________.A female giraffe gives birth to o_____ baby at a time.The baby called a calf is about 1.9 meters tall at birth.By the a________
of eight it is full-grown.The giraffe eats m_________ leaves because it has a long neck it can reach the leaves h_________ up the tree.
The giraffe is the tallest modern (land) animals.It can be over 5.5 meters tall.Its neck along may be 1.9 meters long yet the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck,the same (number) as in the human's.Each bone in a giraffe's neck is very long while the bones in a human neck are small.That makes the (difference). A female giraffe gives birth to (one) baby at a time.The baby called a calf is about 1.9 meters tall at birth.By the (age) of eight it is full-grown.The giraffe eats (mainly) leaves because it has a long neck it can reach the leaves (high) up the tree.
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