Every self-propelled road-going vehicle needs some form of transmission to take the output from its power unit to the driven wheels.The vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines,and a large part of the task of the transmission in these vehicles is to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine -in particular,its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary,and the limited range of speed within which it develops sufficient torque to drive the wheels.To overcome the first problem ,some kind of clutching arrangement is necessary.To overcome the second,the transmission needs to include a gearbox providing a range of different ratios of input to output speed,enabling the engine's speed to be maintained within the useful range of torque output over a more or less wide range of vehicle speeds.So important have these solutions become that"transmission" has in many minds come to mean that part of the system between the engine output and the gearbox putput,neglecting the many complexinties which exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels.
Every self-propelled road-going vehicle needs some form of transmission to take the output from its power unit to the driven wheels.The vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines,and a large part of the task of the transmission in these vehicles is to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine -in particular,its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary,and the limited range of speed within which it develops sufficient torque to drive the wheels.To overcome the first problem ,some kind of clutching arrangement is necessary.To overcome the second,the transmission needs to include a gearbox providing a range of different ratios of input to output speed,enabling the engine's speed to be maintained within the useful range of torque output over a more or less wide range of vehicle speeds.So important have these solutions become that"transmission" has in many minds come to mean that part of the system between the engine output and the gearbox putput,neglecting the many complexinties which exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels.
Every self-propelled road-going vehicle needs some form of transmission to take the output from its power unit to the driven wheels.
The vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines, and a large part of the task of the transmission in these vehicles is to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine -in particular, its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary, and the limited range of speed within which it develops sufficient torque to drive the wheels.
To overcome the first problem ,some kind of clutching arrangement is necessary.
To overcome the second, the transmission needs to include a gearbox providing a range of different ratios of input to output speed, enabling the engine's speed to be maintained within the useful range of torque output over a more or less wide range of vehicle speeds.
So important have these solutions become that"transmission" has in many minds come to mean that part of the system between the engine output and the gearbox putput, neglecting the many complexinties which exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels..
The vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines, and a large part of the task of the transmission in these vehicles is to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine -in particular, its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary, and the limited range of speed within which it develops sufficient torque to drive the wheels.
To overcome the first problem ,some kind of clutching arrangement is necessary.
To overcome the second, the transmission needs to include a gearbox providing a range of different ratios of input to output speed, enabling the engine's speed to be maintained within the useful range of torque output over a more or less wide range of vehicle speeds.
So important have these solutions become that"transmission" has in many minds come to mean that part of the system between the engine output and the gearbox putput, neglecting the many complexinties which exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels..
- 1英语百科
- 2What is the theme of World AIDS Day this year?
- 3As的最高价氧化物对应水化物的化学式为
- 4解x的方程 (1)ax+b=c(a≠0); (2)mx-2=3x+n(m≠0); (3)当m为何值时,方程(m2-1)x2-(m+1)x+8=0是关于x的一元一次方程,并求此时代数式(m+x)(x-2
- 5设三角形ABC的三边abc的长度都是自然数,且a小于b小于c,a加b加c等于13,则以a,b,c为边的三角形共有几个?三边长各是多少?
- 6need作名词的例句
- 7A、B两城间的路程是416千米,客车从A城开往B城,货车从B城开往A城,两车同时开出相向而行,相遇后再行2小时30分,客车离B城还有47千米,货车离A城还有129千米.那么货车每小时行_千米.
- 8下列关于叶绿体和光合作用的描述中,正确的是( ) A.叶片反射绿光故呈绿色,因此日光中绿光透过叶绿体的比例最小 B.叶绿体的类囊体膜上含有自身光合作用所需的各种色素 C.光照下
- 91.ABCDE五人站成一排,如果AB两人站在一起,那么共有多少种不同的排法?
- 10七年级上册数学负3(a十1)十2分之1(2十4a)