The fowllowing is from the wiki and modified a little:
The Simpsons are a typical family who live in a fictional "Middle American" town of Springfield.Homer,the father,works as a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant,a position at odds with his careless,buffoonish personality.He is married to Marge Simpson,a stereotypical American housewife and mother.They have three children:Bart,a ten-year-old troublemaker; Lisa,a precocious eight-year-old activist; and Maggie,the baby of the family who rarely speaks,but communicates by sucking on a pacifier.The family owns a dog,Santa's Little Helper,and a cat,Snowball V,renamed Snowball II in "I,(Annoyed Grunt)-Bot".Both pets have had starring roles in several episodes.
The show includes an array of quirky characters:co-workers,teachers,family friends,extended relatives,townspeople and local celebrities.The creators originally intended many of these characters as one-time jokesters or for fulfilling needed functions in the town.
Despite the passing of yearly milestones such as holidays or birthdays,the Simpsons do not physically age and still appear just as they did at the end of the 1980s.Although the family is dysfunctional,many episodes examine their relationships and bonds with each other and they are often shown to care about one another.
The Simpsons are a typical family who live in a fictional "Middle American" town of Springfield.Homer,the father,works as a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant,a position at odds with his careless,buffoonish personality.He is married to Marge Simpson,a stereotypical American housewife and mother.They have three children:Bart,a ten-year-old troublemaker; Lisa,a precocious eight-year-old activist; and Maggie,the baby of the family who rarely speaks,but communicates by sucking on a pacifier.The family owns a dog,Santa's Little Helper,and a cat,Snowball V,renamed Snowball II in "I,(Annoyed Grunt)-Bot".Both pets have had starring roles in several episodes.
The show includes an array of quirky characters:co-workers,teachers,family friends,extended relatives,townspeople and local celebrities.The creators originally intended many of these characters as one-time jokesters or for fulfilling needed functions in the town.
Despite the passing of yearly milestones such as holidays or birthdays,the Simpsons do not physically age and still appear just as they did at the end of the 1980s.Although the family is dysfunctional,many episodes examine their relationships and bonds with each other and they are often shown to care about one another.
- 1写材料作文帮忙找下主题啊.
- 2质数和合数 有什么意义?
- 3词语填空深( )妙( 词语填空深( )妙(
- 4在直角坐标系中,已知点A(2,1)和点B(4,3),在x轴上是否存在一点P,使PA+PB的值最小?若存在,求出P点的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.
- 5已知数对(x,y)满足|xy|+|x+y|=1,其中xy都是整数,请你求出满足条件的所有的数对
- 6将盛有细沙的一平底试管飘在一杯水的水面上,试管和沙子的总重力为9.8乘10负二次方牛,试管的底面积为2
- 798-102/6.8用【简便计算】 43.27*7.9+2.1*43.27
- 8这篇文章哪些是重点词组
- 9飞船以相对地球v的速度飞离地球,飞船尾有一光源,在飞船内测的光从船头到船尾的时间t求飞船的固有长度
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- 1已知方程组{①2x+ay=b ②x+2y=3当a≠( )时,方程组有唯一的解;当a=()时,b=()时,方程组有无数的
- 2y=|x|的图形和圆x2+y2=4所围成的较小面积是( ) A.π4 B.π C.3π2 D.3π4
- 3∫10 xe-xdx
- 4磁化是什么物理原理
- 5求诗经这类古体诗中描写友情的句子,一定是要友情啊!最好含蓄点!谢过了!
- 6心静自然凉这句话的含义是什么?
- 7车间工人要领取5kg水,若用容积为200cm³的瓶子来装,需要用几个瓶子?
- 8Is there anything__worth reading in this book?
- 9如果根号(x-3) + 根号(3-x) + 2y =4 ,求x·y的值
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