用英文回答音乐的 好处
好处:1.Music can make the body relax,good music can relieve pressure,avoid nervous tension because of chronic diseases resulting disorders.
2.Music can open mind,alleviate the sealing of the depression,and even depression music can also do some degree of mind.
3.Music can stimulate the brain,activate cells,appropriate music on the brain stimulation of the activity is of great help to prevent,even the aging.
4.Music can enhance creativity,planning and stimulate brain,especially classical music,to engage the training and development are very helpful.
5.Music can help sleep,enhance immunity,increasing nerve conduction speed,enhance your memory and attention,physical and mental development,are modest.
6.Music can make baby breathe the melody,slowing of the heart,make peace,no longer crying baby can also stimulate baby's brain thinking ability,let him more clever.
坏处:Damage to the normal hearing
By magnetic disturbances
2.Music can open mind,alleviate the sealing of the depression,and even depression music can also do some degree of mind.
3.Music can stimulate the brain,activate cells,appropriate music on the brain stimulation of the activity is of great help to prevent,even the aging.
4.Music can enhance creativity,planning and stimulate brain,especially classical music,to engage the training and development are very helpful.
5.Music can help sleep,enhance immunity,increasing nerve conduction speed,enhance your memory and attention,physical and mental development,are modest.
6.Music can make baby breathe the melody,slowing of the heart,make peace,no longer crying baby can also stimulate baby's brain thinking ability,let him more clever.
坏处:Damage to the normal hearing
By magnetic disturbances
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