外语作文 《what do the students do》
Learning English everyday
I have learned English everyday; I have been solving my problems one by one.To become a good writer,I practice a lot.To increase my vocabulary,I memorize whatever new words I come across.To improve my spelling,I practice typing the new words I am learning on a computer and let it tell me whether I have spelt them correctly or not.
Finally,to practice speaking,I memorize many essays and conversations and try to recite them,using a tape recorder.In this way,I have been gradually improving my English.
I have learned English everyday; I have been solving my problems one by one.To become a good writer,I practice a lot.To increase my vocabulary,I memorize whatever new words I come across.To improve my spelling,I practice typing the new words I am learning on a computer and let it tell me whether I have spelt them correctly or not.
Finally,to practice speaking,I memorize many essays and conversations and try to recite them,using a tape recorder.In this way,I have been gradually improving my English.
- 1(know)______that they were going traveling ,the students began to make preparations.
- 2一根绳子,第一次剪去它的五分之一后,又接上10米,现在比原来长百分之二十五,这根绳子原来长多少米?大
- 3描写花美的词语?
- 4写出四个描写自然环境的四字成语,四个描写人物心情的四字成语,四个来自历史故事的成语,四个来自寓言故事的成语.
- 5电子钟所显示的时间,相同数字连续排列三次的情况一天会发生几次?(电子钟是十二小时制的)
- 6形容女子笑容的成语或诗句有哪些?
- 7造句:设想一个情境,用一句话或几句话写出来,将眼花缭乱,头晕目眩用进去
- 8甲乙两个仓库所存化肥数的比是7:5,从甲仓库运出200袋,这时甲乙仓库的化肥袋数的比是3:5.求两个仓库各存化肥多少袋?
- 9请你帮我解答 写一个英语作文 在六十词左右 是喜欢住在乡下还是城市说明理由
- 10sinα-cosα=-1/5,求tanα
- 1what is the purple scarf___(make) of
- 2分子热运动的内容
- 3函数y=(x^+a^)/(x) (a>0)在x=x0处的导数为0.则x0等于?
- 4X³-3x²+ax-1=0有三个正根 求a的值
- 5科学家发现一种化学式为H3的氢分子.1molH3和1molH2具有相同的
- 6(x^2-2X分之x+2-X^2-4x+4分之x-1)乘x-4分之x
- 7往混有少量铜,氧化铜的锌的试管中,加入适量的稀硫酸,待反应不再产生气体时,锌有剩余,冷却过滤
- 8已知a b互为相反数 bc互为倒数 求2010ac+2009bc+2a+2b的值
- 9work on work.for 区别
- 10若集合A中有m个元素,集合B中有n个元素,则从A到B的所有映射的个数为________,从B到A的所有映射的个数为__________.