3.What books do you like to read?
Romeo,son of the Montague's,who is loved and respected in Verona.First,he is represented as a comic lover -- because of his exaggerated declarations of love for Rosaline.But then after he meets Juliet,he abandons his tendency to act like a traditional lover,and he becomes more intense n the way that he talks,reflecting how genuinely passionate he feels for his Juliet.But when he kills Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's death,he starts off a chain of events that eventually leads to his suicide,after believing that his beloved Juliet is dead.
Juliet,Capulet's daughter.She's presented to the audience as innocent -- she's not even fourteen yet.She loves Romeo with the full force of her being -- enough so that she defies her Montague-hating parents and faces death twice.She can't live without Romeo,because living without him would be like living without a soul -- just gliding through life as nothing,not feeling anything,just waiting for the body to die so that she could stop the pain.So when she finds him dead,she takes the dagger and kills herself,to be with her Romeo for ever.
Romeo and Juliet,they are suppose to be enemies,but,what is the fine line between love and hate?
Romeo,son of the Montague's,who is loved and respected in Verona.First,he is represented as a comic lover -- because of his exaggerated declarations of love for Rosaline.But then after he meets Juliet,he abandons his tendency to act like a traditional lover,and he becomes more intense n the way that he talks,reflecting how genuinely passionate he feels for his Juliet.But when he kills Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's death,he starts off a chain of events that eventually leads to his suicide,after believing that his beloved Juliet is dead.
Juliet,Capulet's daughter.She's presented to the audience as innocent -- she's not even fourteen yet.She loves Romeo with the full force of her being -- enough so that she defies her Montague-hating parents and faces death twice.She can't live without Romeo,because living without him would be like living without a soul -- just gliding through life as nothing,not feeling anything,just waiting for the body to die so that she could stop the pain.So when she finds him dead,she takes the dagger and kills herself,to be with her Romeo for ever.
Romeo and Juliet,they are suppose to be enemies,but,what is the fine line between love and hate?
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