I know that it is such a huge number,and without it,I will have to give up XX,which is definitely my dream school in the U.S.Maybe things would be a little bit different if my mother has not been so sick since 3 months ago.It was definitely a hard time for my family and me and it took so much time and money to heal my mother.But she,my dear mom,even wanted to give up the healing to save money to make it more possible for me to enter my dream school in the U.S.at the beginning.Of course I denied her original thought immediately.Fortunately,she is now becoming better and better and I believe she may leave hospital soon in the future.I seldom told others about my mom’s sickness,but here I told you to explain why I need that much money to enter the college.
I know that it is such a huge number,and without it,I will have to give up XX,which is definitely my dream school in the U.S.Maybe things would be a little bit different if my mother has not been so sick since 3 months ago.It was definitely a hard time for my family and me and it took so much time and money to heal my mother.But she,my dear mom,even wanted to give up the healing to save money to make it more possible for me to enter my dream school in the U.S.at the beginning.Of course I denied her original thought immediately.Fortunately,she is now becoming better and better and I believe she may leave hospital soon in the future.I seldom told others about my mom’s sickness,but here I told you to explain why I need that much money to enter the college.
语法方面没有错误,但是时态方面我认为有一点小问题,最后一句话but here I told you to explain why I need that much money to enter the college应该改为一般现在是,而不是过去式
- 1已知,如图,在△ABC中,∠A=90°,DE为BC的垂直平分线,求证:BE2=AC2+AE2.
- 2一列快车从甲城开往乙城要10小时到达,一列慢车从乙城开往甲城要15小时到达,两车同时从两城出发,相向而行,相遇时距离两城中点60千米,求甲、乙两城相距多少千米
- 3因式分解 (x的平方+7x-5)(x的平方+7x+3)+16怎么做?
- 4“这”这个字也读“zhei”吗?
- 5郑燮的竹石是一首什么诗
- 6漏电保护器的主要作用是什么?
- 7一个长方体的底面积是120cm2,高是4dm,它的体积是多少cm3
- 8甲、乙二人分别从相距20千米的A、B两地以相同的速度同时相向而行,相遇后,二人继续前进,乙的速度不变,甲每小时比原来多走1千米,结果甲到达B地后乙还需30分钟才能到达A地,求乙每
- 9求一道数学题,关于比的
- 10一个三角形,当它的底增加3cm时,面积就增加25.8平方厘米,当高减少2cm时,面积就减少24平方厘米,问这个三角形面积是多少?