determinant可数吗?evidence呢?tax可数吗(看到pay tax to和pay taxes to两种用法)
(1) determinant=可数; (a) The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born,grow,live,work and age,including the health system.
(b) The beginnings of matrices and determinants goes back to the second century BC although traces can be seen back to the fourth century BC.
(c) A determinant is a special kind of matrix,one that has a numerical value.The value of a matrix may be 3,for example.We write a determinant with vertical lines.
(d) The recursive definition also works for 2 × 2 determinants,if we define the...
(2) evidence=不可数; 单数/复数相同.
(a) Evidence in its broadest sense includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion.
(b) A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment:The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place.Scientists weigh the evidence...
(c) 极少用"evidences" :"Intro to Ashby Camp's rebuttal of Douglas Theobald's ''29 Evidences for Macroevolution''...
(3) tax=可数; tax,taxes (多类型的税)
(a) a tax on our resources
(b) a cut in tax on new cars
(c) "In this world nothing can be said to be certain,except death and taxes" [Benjamin Franklin]
(d) The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.
(e) "Read my lips:no new taxes" [George Bush speech during election campaign - later,he raised taxes]
(b) The beginnings of matrices and determinants goes back to the second century BC although traces can be seen back to the fourth century BC.
(c) A determinant is a special kind of matrix,one that has a numerical value.The value of a matrix may be 3,for example.We write a determinant with vertical lines.
(d) The recursive definition also works for 2 × 2 determinants,if we define the...
(2) evidence=不可数; 单数/复数相同.
(a) Evidence in its broadest sense includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion.
(b) A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment:The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place.Scientists weigh the evidence...
(c) 极少用"evidences" :"Intro to Ashby Camp's rebuttal of Douglas Theobald's ''29 Evidences for Macroevolution''...
(3) tax=可数; tax,taxes (多类型的税)
(a) a tax on our resources
(b) a cut in tax on new cars
(c) "In this world nothing can be said to be certain,except death and taxes" [Benjamin Franklin]
(d) The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.
(e) "Read my lips:no new taxes" [George Bush speech during election campaign - later,he raised taxes]
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