I pray for 2 days,God help me win the battle.
I always lose battle to him.for many time,my tears swell in my eyes after being beated.I try to pray God to help me overcome the fear mentality,it doesn't work somehow,I nearly lost the confidence in Him,someone advice me that I should pray consistently and faithfully.for some reason,I see the light on the end of tunnel.today I win the game.God bless me and help me!I know that if you strive to change the situation,God will do my favor.I completelly believe this right now.
I always lose battle to him.for many time,my tears swell in my eyes after being beated.I try to pray God to help me overcome the fear mentality,it doesn't work somehow,I nearly lost the confidence in Him,someone advice me that I should pray consistently and faithfully.for some reason,I see the light on the end of tunnel.today I win the game.God bless me and help me!I know that if you strive to change the situation,God will do my favor.I completelly believe this right now.
If you want to win any battle against anyone,you should first of all win the battle against yourself.Life is more a battle against yourself.Have faith and love in Him.Tell him what your fear is,but do...
- 1理论力学题怎么做
- 2已知:BC是以线段AB为直径的圆心O的切线,AC交圆心O于点D,过点D作弦DE垂直AB,垂足为点F,连接BD、BE.
- 3凹 鼎 肃 真 小 精(按音序排列和安笔画数从小到大依次是的顺序)
- 4已知直线在X轴上的截距是在Y轴上的截距的两倍,且直线坐标轴围成的三角形面积是4,求该直线的方程
- 5判断方程2^x=-x+1d 根的个数
- 6Indian到底是“印度人”还是“印地安人”?
- 7爷爷和小胖共72岁,爷爷的年龄是小胖的17倍,爷爷比小胖大多少岁
- 8有一泉水,不断涌出水来,每分钟涌出的的水同样,如果使用3台抽水机来抽水,36分钟可以抽完,如果使用5台20分钟可以抽完.现在12分钟抽完,需要多少台
- 9百货公司委托铁路局托运1000块玻璃,合同签订,每块运费0.6元,如损坏一块不但不给运费,还要赔偿3.4元,后来铁路局获得576元,问损坏多少块玻璃?
- 10蔗糖怎样进出细胞的?
- 1一台起重机将一块重为2000N的钢材以0.2m/s的速度匀速吊起,此时起重机吊绳对钢材的拉里是多大?吊车吊物体的速度增大为原来的2倍,且仍匀速上升,则吊绳的拉力又是多大?
- 2如图所示,某同学横过公路时,正好有一辆汽车从距岔路口100m处以72km/h的速度驶过来.如果公路宽12m,该同学以1.2m/s的正常步行速度,能否在汽车到达岔路口前完全通过公路?
- 3有关寓言故事的成语
- 4带有数字十的字词语
- 5循表而夜涉
- 6表达感情的古诗
- 7某学校扩建操场,计划投资80万元,实际投资比计划节约了5%,这个学校扩建操场实际
- 8讲一个圆平均分成若干个完全相同的小扇形,剪拼成近似的长方形,长方形的周长比原来圆的周长长10厘米,
- 9已知m∈R,设P:x1和x2是方程x^2-ax-2=0的两个根,不等式丨m^2-5m-3丨>=丨x1-x2丨对任意实数a∈[-1,1]恒成立;Q:函数f(x)=x^3+mx^2+[m+(4/3)]x+
- 10把这渔歌子首词想象它所描绘的景象写下来 写成300字作文,