还是英语阅读语段 (超急!)
As you were growing up,you used your native language for everything.Your native language confidence was strong.You became comfortable using your native language.
Now that you have begun to learn English,your language confidence in English is probably not very strong yet.One reason for this is that your English is still poor.If you are living in an English-speaking country,another reason for a weaker language confidence is that you are not used to the new culture.You may be experiencing culture shock.Culture shock is a feeling of confusion about what to say and do in a new and different culture.You feel frustrated about your ability to say the right thing,and maybe you even think people are laughing at you for being foreign.You might feel a little homesick and want to return to your own country.
Most people have culture shock for a few months or even a year after they move to a new country.Therefore,if you are now in an English-speaking country and have been t
As you were growing up,you used your native language for everything.Your native language confidence was strong.You became comfortable using your native language.
Now that you have begun to learn English,your language confidence in English is probably not very strong yet.One reason for this is that your English is still poor.If you are living in an English-speaking country,another reason for a weaker language confidence is that you are not used to the new culture.You may be experiencing culture shock.Culture shock is a feeling of confusion about what to say and do in a new and different culture.You feel frustrated about your ability to say the right thing,and maybe you even think people are laughing at you for being foreign.You might feel a little homesick and want to return to your own country.
Most people have culture shock for a few months or even a year after they move to a new country.Therefore,if you are now in an English-speaking country and have been t
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- 10单选They are the children ___thire parents are hard.