When I hear the bird start singing
I wanna see you
Hoo,hoo,do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start fallin'
I wanna see you
The only thong I'll do
Don't you know
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start tiching
I start to miss you
Ooh...The only thing I'll do
Is gonna drearn of you
Wanna stay by by by you side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
(You know every morning)
When I hear the bird start singing
I wanna see you
Ooh...the only thing I'll do
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start tiching
I start to miss you
Ooh...The only thing I'll do
Is start to dream of you
I found my angel in my life
I cannot see why
I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die
Wanna stay by by by you side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
One day we'll spread our wings
You and me da,you and me da...
Spread our wings do...do...do...
Wannabe wannabe wanna
I wanna be.be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...
When I hear the bird start singing
I wanna see you
Hoo,hoo,do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start fallin'
I wanna see you
The only thong I'll do
Don't you know
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start tiching
I start to miss you
Ooh...The only thing I'll do
Is gonna drearn of you
Wanna stay by by by you side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
(You know every morning)
When I hear the bird start singing
I wanna see you
Ooh...the only thing I'll do
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start tiching
I start to miss you
Ooh...The only thing I'll do
Is start to dream of you
I found my angel in my life
I cannot see why
I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die
Wanna stay by by by you side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
One day we'll spread our wings
You and me da,you and me da...
Spread our wings do...do...do...
Wannabe wannabe wanna
I wanna be.be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...
- 1插空法是什么?
- 2沁园春雪中诗人对这些历史人物的评价是否一样?分别体现在哪些词语上?
- 3甲乙二人同时从A地到B地,甲每分钟走250米,乙每分钟走90米,甲到达B地后立即返回A地,在离B地3.2千米处相遇,AB两地间的距离是多少千米?
- 4类似游戏厅里的机械手抓玩具问题!我有一个袋子,里面放了许多玻璃球.然后我用机械手去抓!假设抓出的个数一共有以下几种情况:抓到:0个,1个,2个,3个,4个,5个,6个,7个.
- 5文言文画蛇添足先画蛇人为什么没喝到酒
- 6大雪压青松, 青松挺且直, 要知松高洁, 待到雪化时这首古诗写的什么?
- 7large的比较级
- 8what kind of things do you often buy
- 9(英语)the 加 形容词复数 表示一类名词?
- 10"理想"气体对外做功,内能是否发生变化?