help! Bang wo fan yi yi xia fei chang gan xie !
After discussion, following is our proposal for the Sumo Firenza TBR program for your Shen Zhen and Dan Shui operations.
Sales Policy
1. Exclusive rights to distribute and market Sumo Firenza TBR in Shen Zhen and Dan Shui.
2. In return, we offer the following pricing policy
1000R20 SSM07 RMB 1,710/set
1100R20 SSM07 RMB 1,910/set
1200R20 SSM07 RMB 2,160/set
1000R20 SSR05A RMB 1,730/set
1100R20 SSR05A RMB 1,930/set
1000R20 SHD48 RMB 1,795/set
a) a further discount of 2% from the Selling price quoted above
b) 1.5% rebate upon achieving monthly quantity of 150pcs per month
c) 1% quarterly rebate upon achieving 450pcs per quarter
d) 0.5% annual rebate upon achieving 2,000pcs per annum
e) credit terms of 30 days
f) Signboard sponsorship limited to 3 for the current 12 months, with an average cost of 120/sqmeter, inclusive of signboard ins
After discussion, following is our proposal for the Sumo Firenza TBR program for your Shen Zhen and Dan Shui operations.
Sales Policy
1. Exclusive rights to distribute and market Sumo Firenza TBR in Shen Zhen and Dan Shui.
2. In return, we offer the following pricing policy
1000R20 SSM07 RMB 1,710/set
1100R20 SSM07 RMB 1,910/set
1200R20 SSM07 RMB 2,160/set
1000R20 SSR05A RMB 1,730/set
1100R20 SSR05A RMB 1,930/set
1000R20 SHD48 RMB 1,795/set
a) a further discount of 2% from the Selling price quoted above
b) 1.5% rebate upon achieving monthly quantity of 150pcs per month
c) 1% quarterly rebate upon achieving 450pcs per quarter
d) 0.5% annual rebate upon achieving 2,000pcs per annum
e) credit terms of 30 days
f) Signboard sponsorship limited to 3 for the current 12 months, with an average cost of 120/sqmeter, inclusive of signboard ins
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