Dear Michelle
It`s three months after you left for Austrilia,
and with a great pleasure I got your letter yesterday.
In your letter you told me something what you
have been and heard there.I also want to know
Which school you are in,and since English spoken
there,ewhether you have any trouble understanding
it or make yourself understood?Do you ofen miss
your old friends?By the way,will you be so kindly
as tosend me one of your photo,and send me some
English readings?I look forward to hear from you soon.
每行一个错 其中有一行是全对的 帮忙多少看下
Dear Michelle
It`s three months after you left for Austrilia,
and with a great pleasure I got your letter yesterday.
In your letter you told me something what you
have been and heard there.I also want to know
Which school you are in,and since English spoken
there,ewhether you have any trouble understanding
it or make yourself understood?Do you ofen miss
your old friends?By the way,will you be so kindly
as tosend me one of your photo,and send me some
English readings?I look forward to hear from you soon.
每行一个错 其中有一行是全对的 帮忙多少看下
1. after → since
2. 去掉a
3. what → that 或 去掉what
4. have → had (估计楼主把seen错打成been了)
5. English和spoken中间加入is
6. √ (whether被楼主错打成ewhether了)
7. make → making
8. kindly → kind
9. photo → photos
10. hear → hearing
1. after → since
2. 去掉a
3. what → that 或 去掉what
4. have → had (估计楼主把seen错打成been了)
5. English和spoken中间加入is
6. √ (whether被楼主错打成ewhether了)
7. make → making
8. kindly → kind
9. photo → photos
10. hear → hearing
- 1给一块微安表G串联一个电阻R,就改装成了一块电压表.今将该电压表与一标准电压表并联后去测电压,发现该表的示数总比标准表的示数略小一些,以下可以修正的方法有( ) A.在R上串
- 2解决这个数学题,要求详细过程[2-(1又3分之2-1.5)除以1又12分之5]乘16分之三
- 3把2、8分之7、5分之22、1又2分之1、1又3分之1、9分之7从小到大排列
- 4我想知道这句话到底是什么意思.
- 5方程log根号x=x^2-2的实数的个数为
- 6名人劳动故事
- 7以“我的一次科学尝试”为话题,写一篇500字左右的作文!
- 8雅各布的英文名称什么(加音标)!
- 9人行横道从“跳石”到斑马线的发展历程说明了规则?1.有着悠久的历史 2.不是无缘无故出现的 3.是不断完善和
- 10水浒传第十一回概括 300字