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some people say winning means being rich,some people say winning means being powerful ,and other people say wining means being happy .please write a paragraph of about 120 words about your understanding of wining


some people say winning means being rich,some people say winning means being powerful ,and other people say wining means being happy,
I personally thinks,wining is that you are doing what you like and what is right!
People may do things for their whole life and never achieve what they actually like,that has no difference as slavery around your whole life.Look around you,how many people likes their job,or how many of them actually choose their career?
Many people belive that wining is being rich,but how about the ones you love,if they don’t love you any more can you win them back by the money you have?Certainly no!
A lot of people thinks that being powerful is a kind of wining,but indeed,you don’t always get what you want with all your powers,and many people don’t obey your power!
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