1.Improper use or operations may be caused by induce system error or crash,but this device is self-protected and neither operators nor patients could be hurt.There is also an emergency STOP button in the software and a SHUTDOWN switch in the hardware to stop the running system immediately and safely.
2.The incorrect diagnostic information given by images with artifacts is readily and easily detected and overridden based on patient demographics,symptoms,and other tests.The availability of other independent diagnostic and medical records also reduces the likelihood of complete reliance on any one modality in diagnosing or making health-care decisions.
1.Improper use or operations may be caused by induce system error or crash,but this device is self-protected and neither operators nor patients could be hurt.There is also an emergency STOP button in the software and a SHUTDOWN switch in the hardware to stop the running system immediately and safely.
2.The incorrect diagnostic information given by images with artifacts is readily and easily detected and overridden based on patient demographics,symptoms,and other tests.The availability of other independent diagnostic and medical records also reduces the likelihood of complete reliance on any one modality in diagnosing or making health-care decisions.
1.Operators and patients could not be injuried by improper use or operations which might be caused by induce system error or crash,for the device is self-protected.To be exact,when the problems showed...
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