A tobacconist (烟草商) left the snowy streets of Chicago for a holiday in Florida.His wife was on a business trip and wanted to meet him there the next day.When he reached his hotel and checked in the room that he booked three days ago he decided to send his wife a quick email.But he forgot to keep her email a ddress in his computer.He looked at the keyboard and made an effort to type it in from memory.Unluckily,he missed one letter and his email was sent instead to an elderly farmer's wife.Her husband had passed away only the day before.When the sad wife turned on the computer to check her email,she took one look at the screen,let out a scream,felt so terrified and fell to the floor in a dead faint (不省人事).At the sound,her family rushed into the room at once and saw this note on the screen:Dearest wife,I've just got checked in.Everything is prepared for your arrival tomorrow.I'm looking forward to seeing you down here.
A tobacconist (烟草商) left the snowy streets of Chicago for a holiday in Florida.His wife was on a business trip and wanted to meet him there the next day.When he reached his hotel and checked in the room that he booked three days ago he decided to send his wife a quick email.But he forgot to keep her email a ddress in his computer.He looked at the keyboard and made an effort to type it in from memory.Unluckily,he missed one letter and his email was sent instead to an elderly farmer's wife.Her husband had passed away only the day before.When the sad wife turned on the computer to check her email,she took one look at the screen,let out a scream,felt so terrified and fell to the floor in a dead faint (不省人事).At the sound,her family rushed into the room at once and saw this note on the screen:Dearest wife,I've just got checked in.Everything is prepared for your arrival tomorrow.I'm looking forward to seeing you down here.
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