When people become good at doing the things they like,they find themselves.
Many young people are good at doing things they do not like,many other young people would like to do something at which they are not good.Also,many do not think they are good at anyting,and do
not know what they would like to do.None of them are happy.
It's impossible to decide whether one likes something until one has tired it.Trying something
new is important.
Give each idea a fair chance.If you have decided to try out something new,also decided how long you will stick to it.Then you can make a fair decision.
The best thing to judge is not the final goal,but the work it takes you to achieve the goal.Almost everything would like to be highly skilled in something,but becoming highly skilled at anything needs a great deal of time and effort.
Finding oneself means not only discovering what one is not good at and does not like.
So trying something and failing can have its good side.It tells you that you are not fit for that field and should not use it as your goal.
When people become good at doing the things they like,they find themselves.
Many young people are good at doing things they do not like,many other young people would like to do something at which they are not good.Also,many do not think they are good at anyting,and do
not know what they would like to do.None of them are happy.
It's impossible to decide whether one likes something until one has tired it.Trying something
new is important.
Give each idea a fair chance.If you have decided to try out something new,also decided how long you will stick to it.Then you can make a fair decision.
The best thing to judge is not the final goal,but the work it takes you to achieve the goal.Almost everything would like to be highly skilled in something,but becoming highly skilled at anything needs a great deal of time and effort.
Finding oneself means not only discovering what one is not good at and does not like.
So trying something and failing can have its good side.It tells you that you are not fit for that field and should not use it as your goal.
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- 4有一水池,池底有泉水不断涌出,要将水池的水抽完,用12台抽水机需抽5小时;用10台抽水机需抽7小时.问要在2小时内抽完.至少要_____--台抽水机
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- 9.生活中我们一般用摄氏度(°C)表示温度,在欧美一些国家则用华氏度(F°)表示温度,
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