关于OF MIce and men的问题,
1 what was the great depression?why were some people willing to travel many miles to find work?
2 what are some jobs performed by people who work on farms and ranches?why is the work often temporary?
3 what are some problems faced family and friends who help care for developmentally disables people?
4 how does having a friend make it earier to get through the bad times in life and make the good times even better?
题目就是那4题,正确来说,是关于the great depression的问题
1 what was the great depression?why were some people willing to travel many miles to find work?
2 what are some jobs performed by people who work on farms and ranches?why is the work often temporary?
3 what are some problems faced family and friends who help care for developmentally disables people?
4 how does having a friend make it earier to get through the bad times in life and make the good times even better?
题目就是那4题,正确来说,是关于the great depression的问题
first this was the period of 1929-1933,when the stock market in the USA fell to pieces,and resulted in economic declining,unemployment and many social problems alike.the callapse of the stock market a...
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