Like a warm summer day
Like a warm day in May
Babe,you make me feel so hot
Like a small butterfly
Like a bird in the sky
Feels like a star that I'm not
You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow)
So what am I supposed to do?(ay-ow)
Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow)
One Two Three and I'm here here here
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a small paradise
Like a scent of a spice
Yes I guess I understood
Like a flower so sweet
Like a lover of me
Boy you make me feel so good
You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow)
So what am I supposed to do?(ay-ow)
Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow)
One Two Three and I'm here here here
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a warm summer day
Like a warm day in May
Babe,you make me feel so hot
Like a small butterfly
Like a bird in the sky
Feels like a star that I'm not
You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow)
So what am I supposed to do?(ay-ow)
Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow)
One Two Three and I'm here here here
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a small paradise
Like a scent of a spice
Yes I guess I understood
Like a flower so sweet
Like a lover of me
Boy you make me feel so good
You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow)
So what am I supposed to do?(ay-ow)
Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow)
One Two Three and I'm here here here
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above and beyond you and I
Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky
There is light above you and I
- 1有两个相同的电流计改装成的量程不同的电流表A1和A2,A1的量程是A2的2倍,则( ) A.若串联起来,两表指针偏角θ1<θ2,两表示数相等 B.若串联起来,两表指针偏角相等,A1表示数大于A2
- 2海底世界要制作15个长方体金鱼缸,鱼缸长1.3米,宽6分米,深4.5米,至少用多少平方米玻璃
- 3英语翻译
- 41.两个长方形,第一个长与宽按顺序的比为8:6:4:3,已知第一个长方形的周长比第二个长方形的周长大56cm,求两个长方形面积.
- 566+666+6666+.+66666666
- 6简要评价拿破仑
- 7一根5米长的绳子,第一次用去它的4分之1,第二次用去4分之1米,还剩下多少米
- 8where can the students wait for the bus every afternoon.
- 9六公里等于多少平米?
- 10单体连接成多具体都需要消耗ATP 单体竟如细胞的方式都是被动运输 哪个错了
- 1波音737-800和737-300的安全性哪个较高?
- 2测量天平的步骤
- 3用18个相同的小正方形拼成一个长方形,可以有_种拼法.
- 4一卷卫生纸外直径为14厘米,卷轴直径为4厘米,量得10层纸厚4毫米,你能根据这些数据算出这卷卫生?
- 55分之2米和4分米那个大
- 60.5molCH4含( ) 个分子,( )个原子,( )mol 电子, ( )mol 质子
- 7古代根据字的读音,可以将字分为入声韵和非入声韵.比如,"禄"就是入声韵.据此,
- 8已知不等式(k-1)x+2k大于x-8的解集是x小于2求k的值 用一元一次不等式解
- 9粮店有一个盛面粉的长方体木箱,从里面量长1.8m,宽0.8m,深1.25m.箱内倒进一些面粉后,面粉离箱口还差8c
- 10函数y=4x−2在区间[3,6]上是减函数,则y的最小值是( ) A.1 B.3 C.-2 D.5