英语作文Is it necessary foryou to do sports?
Is it necessary for you to do sports?
Is it necessary for you to do sports?The answer is definitely yes.Are there any people have never done any sports in his life?No,I don’t think so.There are many people you can see every morning jogging in the park or doing some exercise there.Then why do we do sports?
There are two major reasons there I think.First,doing sports makes you feel good and it’s very enjoyable when you playing basketball with your friends in the playground.You can have a lot of fun by doing sports.Second,it’s good for your health.Doing sports every week can give you a healthy body with which you can do anything you want in your life.And then you will live a happy life and enjoy your lifetime.
So,I have given you the reasons about doing sports.And does anyone still have any question about the sports taking?
Is it necessary for you to do sports?The answer is definitely yes.Are there any people have never done any sports in his life?No,I don’t think so.There are many people you can see every morning jogging in the park or doing some exercise there.Then why do we do sports?
There are two major reasons there I think.First,doing sports makes you feel good and it’s very enjoyable when you playing basketball with your friends in the playground.You can have a lot of fun by doing sports.Second,it’s good for your health.Doing sports every week can give you a healthy body with which you can do anything you want in your life.And then you will live a happy life and enjoy your lifetime.
So,I have given you the reasons about doing sports.And does anyone still have any question about the sports taking?
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