1.Friedship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health.Poeple who have close fireds naturally enjoy their company.Of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive.When something sensational happens to us,sharing the happiness of the occasion with frieds intensifies our joy.Conversely,in times of trouble and tension,when our spirits are low,unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress.Moreover,we may even get some practical suggestions for solving a particular problem.
Adolescence and old age are the two stages in our lives when the need for friendship is crucial.In the former stage,older people are upset by feelings of uselessness and insignificance.In both instances,friends can make a dramatic difference.With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality; the elderly apporoach their advaanced years with optimism and an interest in life.These positive outlooks are vital to cope successfully with the crises inherent in these two stages of life.
Throughout life,we rely on small groups of people for love,admiration,respect,moral support,and help.Almost everyone has a "network" of friends:co-workers,neighbors,and schoolmates.While both men and women have such friends,evidence is accumulating that indicates men rarely make close friends.Men are sociable and frequently have numerous business acquaintances,golfbuddies,and so on.However,firendship does not merely involve a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very personal level.Customatily,men have shied froem close relationships in which they confide in others.By bottling up their emotions,men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negativete feeling.
People choose some friends because thy are fun to be with; they "Meke things happen".Likewise,common intersts appear to be a significant factor in selecting friends.Families with children,for instance,tend to gravitate tovard families with children.It is normal to befriend people who have similar lifestyles,and organizations such as Parents without Partners have appeared on opportunity to socialize,make new acquaintance and friends,obtain helpful advice in adapting smoothly to a new lifesyle.Other groups focus on specific interst such as caming or politics.It is perfectly acceptable to select friends for special qualities as long as there is a balanced giving and taking that is mutually satisfying.
Very cloes and trusted friends share confidences candidly.They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed or derided,and their confidences will be bonored.Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friedship.
As friendships solidify,ties strengthen.Intimate relationships enrich people'life.Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty,naturalness,thoughtfulness,and some common intersts.
Circumstance and people are constantly changing.Some friedships last "forever"; others do not.Nerertheless,friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful,rewarding life.
2.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.
Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it,who makes you believe that there really is good in the world,who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.
When you’re down,friends lift you up.When you lose your way,friends guide you and cheer you on.
So cherish your friend,
Do not save your loving speeches,for your friends till they are dead
Do not write them on their tombstones,speak them rather now instead.
3.Friendship is like the breeze,
You can't hold it,
Smell it,
Taste it
Or know when it's coming,
But you can always feel it,
And you'll always know it's there,
It may come and then go,
But you can know it'll always be back..
Adolescence and old age are the two stages in our lives when the need for friendship is crucial.In the former stage,older people are upset by feelings of uselessness and insignificance.In both instances,friends can make a dramatic difference.With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality; the elderly apporoach their advaanced years with optimism and an interest in life.These positive outlooks are vital to cope successfully with the crises inherent in these two stages of life.
Throughout life,we rely on small groups of people for love,admiration,respect,moral support,and help.Almost everyone has a "network" of friends:co-workers,neighbors,and schoolmates.While both men and women have such friends,evidence is accumulating that indicates men rarely make close friends.Men are sociable and frequently have numerous business acquaintances,golfbuddies,and so on.However,firendship does not merely involve a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very personal level.Customatily,men have shied froem close relationships in which they confide in others.By bottling up their emotions,men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negativete feeling.
People choose some friends because thy are fun to be with; they "Meke things happen".Likewise,common intersts appear to be a significant factor in selecting friends.Families with children,for instance,tend to gravitate tovard families with children.It is normal to befriend people who have similar lifestyles,and organizations such as Parents without Partners have appeared on opportunity to socialize,make new acquaintance and friends,obtain helpful advice in adapting smoothly to a new lifesyle.Other groups focus on specific interst such as caming or politics.It is perfectly acceptable to select friends for special qualities as long as there is a balanced giving and taking that is mutually satisfying.
Very cloes and trusted friends share confidences candidly.They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed or derided,and their confidences will be bonored.Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friedship.
As friendships solidify,ties strengthen.Intimate relationships enrich people'life.Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty,naturalness,thoughtfulness,and some common intersts.
Circumstance and people are constantly changing.Some friedships last "forever"; others do not.Nerertheless,friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful,rewarding life.
2.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.
Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it,who makes you believe that there really is good in the world,who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.
When you’re down,friends lift you up.When you lose your way,friends guide you and cheer you on.
So cherish your friend,
Do not save your loving speeches,for your friends till they are dead
Do not write them on their tombstones,speak them rather now instead.
3.Friendship is like the breeze,
You can't hold it,
Smell it,
Taste it
Or know when it's coming,
But you can always feel it,
And you'll always know it's there,
It may come and then go,
But you can know it'll always be back..
- 1小刚和小强同时从同一点出发,沿着400米环形跑道向相反方向慢跑,小刚每分钟跑95米,小强每分钟跑105米.几分钟后两人第一次相遇?
- 2如果太阳变成红巨星后碰到黑洞会产生什么样的影响
- 3无线电广播信号的发射过程?
- 4王师傅做零件第一天做了计划的七分之四,第二天又做了余下的五分之三,这时还剩42个零件,零件共多少个?
- 5把多项式4Ⅹ2+5Ⅹ?-7Ⅹ3-6+8Ⅹ按降幂排列为﹙﹚
- 6蛋白质变性后,溶解度下降原因是什么?
- 7come to an end 与bring an end to的区别
- 8有一块表面被氯化成氧化钠的金属钠,质量是0.584g,放入9.436克水中,当反应完毕
- 90.2mol/L醋酸和0.1mol氢氧化钠等体积混合,请将溶液中微粒浓度排序(不是离子哦,醋酸分子也要排进去)
- 101.He thought he d__ his keys in the market when he took out his wallet.