Yesterday,I went on tour to see great white sharks in the ocean.It was so excited.A group of six of us met the tour guide in the morning,and he took me out on the boat.When we got far enough the shore,the guide stopped the boat and put some meat in the ocean to attracting the sharks.After a few minutes,one came closely to our boat.One by one,we got into the small cage at the end of the boat,from which the guide lowered under the water so that we could see the shark.It was so big!I can't believe I am brave enough to get into that cage.Do you know great white shark have 5,000 teeth?
Yesterday,I went on tour to see great white sharks in the ocean.It was so excited.A group of six of us met the tour guide in the morning,and he took me out on the boat.When we got far enough the shore,the guide stopped the boat and put some meat in the ocean to attracting the sharks.After a few minutes,one came closely to our boat.One by one,we got into the small cage at the end of the boat,from which the guide lowered under the water so that we could see the shark.It was so big!I can't believe I am brave enough to get into that cage.Do you know great white shark have 5,000 teeth?
Yesterday I joined a tour to see great whites in the ocean.It was very exciting.A group of six met the tour guide in the morning.He took us onto the boat.When we got far enough from the shore,the guid...
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