Fig.4(b) is the block diagram of the developed VI.The various features are
discussed as under:
1.The VI starts off with a case structure to decide whether the data to be
analysed has been acquired online or any previously acquired data is to be
analysed by the user.In case of online data,the VI reopens the datalog file
created in the read only mode and reads in the first set of data acquired for
the sample under study.This data is then displayed on a waveform graph.
2.Two cursors have been created for the slope calculation on the waveform
graph and the property node of cursors is utilised for getting the position of the
two cursors on the graph.
3.The numeric functions of the Lab VIEW have been utilised for calculation of
slope and Energy Bandgap.
4.The next set of data is then analysed in a similar manner by reading the
datalog file until the last data set has been reached.
5.For an offline data analysis,any dat
Fig.4(b) is the block diagram of the developed VI.The various features are
discussed as under:
1.The VI starts off with a case structure to decide whether the data to be
analysed has been acquired online or any previously acquired data is to be
analysed by the user.In case of online data,the VI reopens the datalog file
created in the read only mode and reads in the first set of data acquired for
the sample under study.This data is then displayed on a waveform graph.
2.Two cursors have been created for the slope calculation on the waveform
graph and the property node of cursors is utilised for getting the position of the
two cursors on the graph.
3.The numeric functions of the Lab VIEW have been utilised for calculation of
slope and Energy Bandgap.
4.The next set of data is then analysed in a similar manner by reading the
datalog file until the last data set has been reached.
5.For an offline data analysis,any dat
- 1硫磺,红磷,铁丝与氧气燃烧反映的文字表达式是什么,还有化学反应现象
- 2甲乙两个车间共有职工784人,甲车间的人数是乙车间的3倍,两个车间各有职工多少人?
- 3大鲵又叫娃娃鱼,是最大的两栖动物,下列关于两栖动物的叙述,正确的是( ) A.幼体生活在水中,成体生活在陆地上 B.既可以生活在水中,又可以生活在陆地上 C.幼体用鳃呼吸,成体
- 4I hope you have a good trip 是什么句子
- 5形容办事干脆利落,一点儿也不拖泥带水的成语
- 6我国国旗是五星红旗,在国旗上,按平面图形的形状和大小划分,共有( ).A.2种 B.3种 C.5种 D.6种
- 7下列各组物质的溶液混合后,不一定会出现沉淀的是( ) A.Na2SO4、BaCl2、HNO3 B.KNO3、Na2CO3、CaCl2 C.MgSO4、NaOH、H2SO4 D.AgNO3、NaCl、
- 8一个修路队要修长为1034.9千米的路,3小时修了196.5千米,照这样算,剩下的路还需要几天能修完?
- 9一个石英钟的分针长是8厘米,经过30分钟,这根分针扫过的面积是多少?
- 10算术题帮忙算下
- 1某商品降价百分之8后售价为2800元,则原价为多少
- 2水的离子积跟什么有关?
- 3正午的阳光可真烈.(改夸张句)
- 4标况下,碳原子数为n和n+1的两种气态烃的混合物1L质量为2g,则n值是?
- 5一个长方体的高是4厘米,底面是周长为8厘米的正方形,这个长方体的体积是( )立方厘米.
- 6甲乙两地相距480千米,一辆客车从甲地到乙地,每小时行42千米,行了200千米时,一辆货车从乙地到甲地,每小行38千米,货车开出多少小时后两车相遇?
- 7地球旋转方向是怎么旋转的
- 8李老师带三百元钱去商场买奖品,一支笔的单价是8.5元,李老师最多可以买多少支钢笔?
- 9新学期开始,同学们要选一名中队委.参加选举的共60人,同意小明当选的占4/5,同意小红当选的占7/10,同意小东当选的占5/6,得票最少的是_,是_票.
- 10自选一幅画面,描写诗中的美景