please help me on this problem
I know a girl for like 2 weeks and most of the time we communicated with each other on the
Phone or chat online.This Monday,I asked her to go out with me on weekend (park)
However,she said she is going to ask her boss if she will not need to work on that day.
So today is Thursday already,should I ask her if she could go?I think she is the one
To tell me or she forgot and does not care about that at all.What should I do?
Many thanks
I know a girl for like 2 weeks and most of the time we communicated with each other on the
Phone or chat online.This Monday,I asked her to go out with me on weekend (park)
However,she said she is going to ask her boss if she will not need to work on that day.
So today is Thursday already,should I ask her if she could go?I think she is the one
To tell me or she forgot and does not care about that at all.What should I do?
Many thanks
forget her man,if she had already ask her boss ,she supposed to have replied you.I learn it from my self,cause I refused a girl in the same way !
- 1|根号3-2|+3次根号-8+(2-根号3)乘根号3 根号81+3次根号-27+根号(-3分之2)的2次方
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