You seem to have been only as a tool for me(题目) More and more of you find me a toy
This is not something I am sensitive
I have been to all the people passing moment of my life in mind
Can you,as I just wanted to throw it on the lost toys
I hate you but love you I care about you want to forget you
I Payouyitian left brings you to my sorrow
I said I just have hope that my friends can be fun,even if you're just in my life passers-by
Here I would like to request you some of my sincere good Why do not cheat me
I bear the pain was not enough Mody
Some seek your sincere
You seem to have been only as a tool for me(题目) More and more of you find me a toy
This is not something I am sensitive
I have been to all the people passing moment of my life in mind
Can you,as I just wanted to throw it on the lost toys
I hate you but love you I care about you want to forget you
I Payouyitian left brings you to my sorrow
I said I just have hope that my friends can be fun,even if you're just in my life passers-by
Here I would like to request you some of my sincere good Why do not cheat me
I bear the pain was not enough Mody
Some seek your sincere
- 1若函数f(x)=2√3sinxcosx+2cos²x+m在区间[0,兀½]上的最大值为6,求常数m的取值及此函数当x∈R时的最小值,并求对应的x取值的集合
- 2有11个铜锣的打击乐器是什么?
- 3树上的苹果是什么颜色的?是红色.英语翻译 ( ) ( ) ( )the apples( )the tree?( ) ( )
- 4no body 与nobody的区别
- 5在图纸上怎么确定哪个是室内标高哪个是室外标高?那些标高怎么确定是什么标高?
- 6中国哪位宇航员登上太空?想杨利伟这样滴~~~~答的好,有奖赏~~~~~~~~~~!
- 7完形填空 1小时之内!
- 8速求:当m取何值时,关于x的一元二次方程mx2+m2x-1=x2+x没有一次项
- 93 8 17 32 57 后一位是什么
- 10将一个圆柱体任意切成两部分,有几种切法?截面各是什么形状?
- 1硬糖每千克5元,软糖每千克8.8元,混合后每千克5.3元,求重量比.
- 2化学中盐的定义是什么?
- 3求初一南方出版社暑假作业古文阅读理解
- 4向盛有12.60g碳酸氢钠固体的烧杯中,加入100.5g硫酸溶液恰好反应.
- 5(2013•泰安三模)亚洲东部和南部的季风气候最典型,是因为( ) A.纬度跨度大 B.经度跨度大 C.海陆差异大 D.地形类型复杂多样
- 6《看云识天气》中第一段最后一句的“天气”能否改为“气候”,为什么?
- 7一个长宽高分别是11 9 7厘米的长方体,在表面涂上红色,然后将它们分割成棱长为1厘米的小正方体
- 8反映父母关爱子女的古诗句
- 9“活下去,像牲口一样地活下去”怎么用英语翻译,准确点的?
- 10拼音表按有规律排列 要快!