所给短语:Chinese New Year,a spicial costume,trick or treat,a happy party,buy some Halloween chocolates,dress up as Monkey kings,a beautiful Christmas tree,hot drinks,eat rice dumplings,a lovely pumplin lantern.
1.People in West usually put _________________ in the middle of the room to celebrate Christmas Day.
2.You can see ___________ in front of Tom's door at Halloween.
3.Children i China all like ________________,because they can wear new clothes and get red pockets from their parents and grandparents.
4.A:When do people _________?B:At Dragong Boat Festival in China.
5.The boys like Sun Wakong very much.They often ______.
所给短语:Chinese New Year,a spicial costume,trick or treat,a happy party,buy some Halloween chocolates,dress up as Monkey kings,a beautiful Christmas tree,hot drinks,eat rice dumplings,a lovely pumplin lantern.
1.People in West usually put _________________ in the middle of the room to celebrate Christmas Day.
2.You can see ___________ in front of Tom's door at Halloween.
3.Children i China all like ________________,because they can wear new clothes and get red pockets from their parents and grandparents.
4.A:When do people _________?B:At Dragong Boat Festival in China.
5.The boys like Sun Wakong very much.They often ______.
1.People in West usually put a beautiful Christmas tree_ in the middle of the room to celebrate Christmas Day.2.You can see a lovely pumplin lantern.___ in front of Tom's door at Halloween.3.Children ...
- 1请问"电器"的英文翻译是什么?
- 2用wants,he,visit,to,very,much,Beijing重新排列
- 3重读他的文章,使我又一次得到很大的启发.(修改病句)
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- 5比列题中两个代数式值的大小 二分之a的平方-b的平方+2 与 3分之a的平方减2b的平方+1
- 6My mother ( )three times a week.A.shop B.shops C.to shop D.shopping
- 7最后一头战象你体会到了什么
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- 9请问谁有小学六年级上册的语文数学重点知识?
- 10六又三分之五与三分之二的积减二又五分之三,商是多少?
- 1武王追思先圣王,乃褒封神农之后于焦,黄帝之后于祝,帝尧之后于蓟,帝舜之后于陈,大禹之后于杞.于是封
- 2澳大利亚气候具有_____的分布特征,东部沿海气候东西狭窄分布的影响因素是______.
- 3写景作文 一个自然段 300字 (仿写从百草园到三味书屋二自然段)
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- 5概括古文成 成语
- 6[lg3+1]*lg5+lg2*lg3 接下来该怎么做,并说明原因
- 7已知直角三角形周长为2,求其斜边最小值是哪个学年的题
- 8求诗迷········
- 9因式分解:4x平方+8x-1(写成4(x-______)(x-______)
- 10伟大的数学家欧拉发现并证明的关于一个多面体的顶点(V)、棱数(E)、面数(F)之间关系的公式为_.