Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China
if you’re a_____ is “yes”,consider a trip to Shangri’la!The world “Shangri’la” first a_____ in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by the British writer James Hilton.He d_____ a beautiful kingdom where three r_____ joined together,snow-capped mountains reached to the sky,and field of a long grass c_____ the Earth.In this w_____ world lived people who had discovered how to s_____ young forever.Nature has p_____ Shangri’la with endless natural treasures,making the land a happy home for the local people.
Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China
if you’re a_____ is “yes”,consider a trip to Shangri’la!The world “Shangri’la” first a_____ in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by the British writer James Hilton.He d_____ a beautiful kingdom where three r_____ joined together,snow-capped mountains reached to the sky,and field of a long grass c_____ the Earth.In this w_____ world lived people who had discovered how to s_____ young forever.Nature has p_____ Shangri’la with endless natural treasures,making the land a happy home for the local people.
1.answer 2.appeared 3.described 4.rivers 5.covered 6.wonderful 7.stay 8.provided (自己写的)
- 1硝酸银溶液与氢氧化钠溶液反应属于什么反应
- 2一木块静止在水平桌面上,已知木块重10N,木块与桌面间的动摩擦因数为0.2,最大静摩擦力为2.1N,求:
- 3已知函数f(x)=根号1-x平方/x 求证(1)f(x)为奇函数 (2)f(x)在(0,1)上为减函数
- 4《逢入京使》是什么意思?
- 5已知 a,b互为相反数 c,d互为倒数 x等于3(a减1)减(a减2b)y等于c的平方d加d的平方减(c分之d加c减2)
- 6关于agree的用法问题
- 7等腰三角形的周长是18,若腰长为y,底边长为x,则x与y的关系,帮忙看看能求取值范围吗?
- 81.处于平衡状态的杠杆,如果再加一个F后杠,杆仍处于平衡,则力F【 】
- 9请英文好的朋友帮助纠正一下英文作文的错误.
- 10将下列A句子B句子,使其基本意思不变
- 1在封闭的管道内,水温升高,管内压力多少?
- 2be used to与have used to
- 3下列括号中的句子成分
- 4《月光启蒙》母亲给作者的三次启蒙是什么
- 5用1,9,9,8组成若干个四位数,这些四位数的平均数是多少?
- 6如果5:4的前项加上5,要使比值不变,后项应该是( ) A.增加5 B.不变 C.扩大到原来的2倍
- 7质量相等的so2(二氧化硫)和so3(三氧化硫)中,氧元素的质量比是?氧原子的个数比是?
- 8the examiner must have been pleased with my performance.he was pleased with my____
- 9小丽和小青家公用一个水表小丽家有4口人小青家有5口人3月份共用水费135元如果按人口计算,两家各付多少元
- 10描写母爱父爱的名言和诗词(整首的)