(1):i don't know what i can do to make him less sad.
i don't know ( )( )( )to make him less sad.
(2):how was the weather here the day before yesterday?
( ) ( ) the weather ( ) here the day before yesterday?
(3):there was a heavy rain here that morning.
it ( ) ( ) here that morning.
(4):they were moving away the bricks hurriedly.
they were ( ) ( ) ( ) to move away the bricks.
natural,loud,terrible,slight,nervous,fall down,in a great hurry,come down,in fear,make an excuse
(1):he speak in a ( ) voice.
(2):( ) weather may cause natural disaaters.
(3):don't be ( ).it's ersy
(4):we have to face many ( ) disasters,such as earthquakes and typhoons.
(5):there are some ( ) differences between the two words.
(6):i was late for school and i tried ( ),but it didn't work.
(7):when we heard the strong noise ,we looked at each other ( ).
(8):i was a glass ( ) when i walked past the office.
(9):the birds flew ( ) when they heard the big sound.
(10):as the earthquake was strong,all the walls ( ).
(1):i don't know what i can do to make him less sad.
i don't know ( )( )( )to make him less sad.
(2):how was the weather here the day before yesterday?
( ) ( ) the weather ( ) here the day before yesterday?
(3):there was a heavy rain here that morning.
it ( ) ( ) here that morning.
(4):they were moving away the bricks hurriedly.
they were ( ) ( ) ( ) to move away the bricks.
natural,loud,terrible,slight,nervous,fall down,in a great hurry,come down,in fear,make an excuse
(1):he speak in a ( ) voice.
(2):( ) weather may cause natural disaaters.
(3):don't be ( ).it's ersy
(4):we have to face many ( ) disasters,such as earthquakes and typhoons.
(5):there are some ( ) differences between the two words.
(6):i was late for school and i tried ( ),but it didn't work.
(7):when we heard the strong noise ,we looked at each other ( ).
(8):i was a glass ( ) when i walked past the office.
(9):the birds flew ( ) when they heard the big sound.
(10):as the earthquake was strong,all the walls ( ).
一:同义句转换(1):i don't know what i can do to make him less sad.i don't know (what )(to )(do )to make him less sad.(2):how was the weather here the day before yesterday?( what ) ( was ) ...
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