When I grow up,I want to be a musician.When I was in Sun Rise Primary School I was interested in music,so I decided to join the Ensemble.Now I am playing the recorder in the Ensemble and I am very happy.I would not mind( 介意) playing any instrument and I will be happy as long as I can be a musician.However,I love playing the piano.I have wanted to be a musician since I was in a kindergarten when I first learned how to play the piano.I like to play the piano because playing the piano always cools me down when I am angry.Besides playing music,I also like to listen to classical music.I would like to be an accomplished (技艺高超的) pianist playing classical music in concerts.I hope many people will attend my concerts.I will give part of the money from the concerts to charity(慈善).If I want to become a musician I will have to practise very hard and pass all the eight grades of the music examination.I hope my dream will come true.( )1.The writer is playing the recorder in _____.A.the Ensemble B.Sun
1A 2A 3D
4 will give part of the money from the concerts to charity(慈善).
4 will give part of the money from the concerts to charity(慈善).
- 1用street造句
- 2把7分之6米平均分成6份,每份是( )米,7分之6米相当于1米的(
- 3Say or write down numbers.____、____、____、____、____ 根据左边提示,填空!
- 4已知一个圆的圆心为双曲线X方/4-Y方/12=1的右焦点且此圆过原点.求直线Y=根号3乘X被该圆截得的弦长.
- 5小明家挂钟的分针长24CM小明家挂钟的分针长24cm,1小时后,分针的尖端所走的路程是都少cm?10小时后呢?
- 6Tom and Mike ( ) cleaning the room.
- 7将下列各式通分(分式)
- 8雅鲁藏布大峡谷课文中的“神来之笔”是什么意思?
- 9证明:关于X的方程(a的平方-8a+18)X的平方+2ax-1=0,不论a为何值,该方程都是一元二次方程
- 10按照英语语法,这句话应该怎样理解呢?
- 1学校游泳池是长25米,宽8米的长方形.按1:200的比例尺,画出它的平面图
- 2因式分解 1)3x-12x³ 2)4a^2-9b^2
- 3问一下这句话中为什么可以省略that
- 4①Sanghai is a beautiful city with a long history对不?
- 5概率论,设随机变量ξ服从λ=2的泊松分布,则随机变量η=2ξ的方差是什么?
- 6maggie怎么读
- 7圆x²+y²+2x+4y-3=0上到直线x+y+1=0的距离为3√2的点共有几个?
- 8问一道小学6年级数学题
- 9一个自然数与13的和是5的倍数,与13的差是6的倍数,则满足条件的最小自然数是_.
- 10三次根号下1-2x与三次根号下2y-2(y≠0)互为相反数,求2x+1/y的值