英语翻译汉语 10 02 02
Frederick Winslow Taylor is generally acknowledged as being the father of the scientific management approach, as a result of the publication of his book, The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. However, numerous other academics and practitioners(实践者) had been actively applying such approaches since the beginning of the century. Charles Babbage, and English academic, well-known for his invention of the mechanical computer (with the aid of a government grant as long as 1820),applied himself to the costing of processes, using scientific methods, and indeed might well be recognized as one of the fathers of cost accounting.
Frederick Winslow Taylor is generally acknowledged as being the father of the scientific management approach, as a result of the publication of his book, The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. However, numerous other academics and practitioners(实践者) had been actively applying such approaches since the beginning of the century. Charles Babbage, and English academic, well-known for his invention of the mechanical computer (with the aid of a government grant as long as 1820),applied himself to the costing of processes, using scientific methods, and indeed might well be recognized as one of the fathers of cost accounting.
- 1续写《凡卡》续写《凡卡》续写《凡卡》
- 2卷石底以出的以字是什么意思
- 3已知直线x-2y+2k=0与两坐标轴所围成的三角形的面积不大于1,则实数k的取值范围是_.
- 4his looking for his english book改一般疑问句
- 5__a taxi or __a walk? A.Take,take B.Have,take C.Have,have D.Take,have
- 6Glaube 这三个用法什么意思 ?
- 7小艇在静水中的航行速度是12Km/h,当它在流速为4Km/h的河水中向着垂直于河岸的方向航行,求方向怎样,...
- 8小聪同学将掉在地上的物理课本捡回桌面,所做的功最接近于( ) A.0.02J B.O.2J C.2J D.20J
- 9学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆解释及评价
- 10“目不能两视而明,耳不能两听而聪”是什么意思?
- 1穿过有哪几个词?各自的用法是什么?
- 236.社会保障体系对促进经济和社会发展进步的作用表现在它可以( )A.促进劳动力再生产的顺利进行B.在一定程度上缓和社会矛盾,维护社会稳定C.在一定程度上调节经济的运行D.实现社会主义共同富裕的目标
- 3绿色植物在阳台上没有阳光直射,但是外面很猛烈太阳,能进行光合作用吗?
- 4today it was____,so the ground was-___ 1.rainy,wet 2.sunny,wet 3.foggy,dry 4.hot,wet
- 5No two persons are the same.
- 6甲、乙两人有相距60千米的两地同时出发相向而行,甲步行每小时走5千米,乙骑自行车,3小时后两人相遇
- 71.求函数y=√3x-6的定义域.
- 8想问下,化学选修3里面,1s,2s,2p,3s轨道中心是什么,书上是把每个轨道分开来讲的,如果所有的轨道放在一张图上,应该怎么画?他们的轨道中心都是从原子核发出来的吗?
- 9孙悟空三打白骨精的故事简介
- 10rrc,usa,un,cctv,pm写出缩略词中文含义