The lady was so keen on the fur coat that she would have bought it even if it cost ( )
A as twice much B much as twice C as much twice Dtwice as much
Even though you offered ( )you have just offered ,i would not sell it to you .
Athe money twice that
Btwice the money that
Ctwice the money what
Dthe money that twice
The wings of the plane are ( )of its body .
Amore than the length twice
Btwice more than the length
Cmore than twice the length
Dmore twice than the length
We have ( )in our class as we had last term.
Astudents as a third many
Ba third as many students
Ca third students as many
Dstudents a third as many
The lady was so keen on the fur coat that she would have bought it even if it cost ( )
A as twice much B much as twice C as much twice Dtwice as much
Even though you offered ( )you have just offered ,i would not sell it to you .
Athe money twice that
Btwice the money that
Ctwice the money what
Dthe money that twice
The wings of the plane are ( )of its body .
Amore than the length twice
Btwice more than the length
Cmore than twice the length
Dmore twice than the length
We have ( )in our class as we had last term.
Astudents as a third many
Ba third as many students
Ca third students as many
Dstudents a third as many
原句正确的选项是D,永远记住倍数词放在最前面.追加的三题答案是B C C.追加第一题:B.twice the money that "that"引导的是定语从句,不可少;追加第二题:C.more than twice the length 貌似"more than" 放在句首,与...
- 1一个长方体框架长8厘米,宽6厘米,高4厘米,在表面贴上塑料板,共要()平方厘米塑料板
- 225*32*12.5*0.13简便计算
- 3( )除以0.2的100次幂=5的101次幂
- 4已知两城市相距688千米,A、B两车分别从两城市同时相对开出,A车每小时行80千米,B车每小时行92千米.几小时后两车能相遇?
- 5【英语时态/宾语从句】选择题求解释
- 6干电池是普通锌锰干电池的简称,一般手电筒中使用锌锰干电池.其中正极材料是——,负极材料是——.
- 7如图1,等腰三角形ABC中,AB=AC,D,E分别在AB,AC上,且AD=AE.试说明四边形DBCE是等腰梯形
- 8一个直角三角形,(最后自己画一下)长4厘米,高6厘米,以三角形的直角边为轴旋转一周,产生的图形是什么?这个图形的体积是多少?
- 9平抛运动的条件是初速度沿水平方向,只有重力作用,初速度不大
- 10将68%的浓硝酸(1.44g/cm3)配制成1:10(体积比)的稀硝酸,求此稀硝酸溶液中溶质的质量分数
- 2在一个长方体水缸内测量.测得长1.2米,宽0.7米,谁深0.4米,投入一个石块后,水面上升0.2米.
- 3It is no sunny today .Why are you still ( )glasses?Well,i like ( )in summer whatever
- 4美国乳蓄带为什么分布在五大湖沿岸?
- 5一天24小时中分针与时针垂直共有_次.
- 6“亦”的象形字的由来
- 7配制50g 8%的氯化钠溶液时,不需要用到的仪器是( ) A.托盘天平 B.量筒 C.烧杯 D.漏斗
- 8一道中学英语试题
- 9把它们分别合成定语从句的复合句:(一)I want to talk to the boys.Their homework haven‘t bee...
- 10如图有一圆柱形的封闭油桶,仅有一个钢卷尺、一支粉笔和一个重锤线,不准打开油桶,要求测量出封闭油桶的上、下边上两点间最大距离.