"What is going on?”I woundered as i saw two fire engines parked outside the building of my flat.
Two (1) were rasied as far as the third floor just below my flat.I rushed over and saw a group of bystanders and some fire-fighters standing around the entranceThey recognize me.As I am on the 8 o'clock News everynight,my (2)is familiar to a lot of people.After they said(3)to me ,i asked what was happening and they told me that the flat below mine had caught fire,but they had just put it(4).As i was going into the building,a man carrying a large TV set(5)me,"Could you give a hand putting this into my(6)over there?"While i was helping him i wondered who he was,but then i realized that he must have recognized me from(7).
Smiling,i went into the building and (8) my flat after he drove off.When i reached it,i saw the door(9).Nervously i entered the flat.It was now that i noticed that my TV set was(10).
1.A.house B.ladders C.lines D.kites
2.A.sound B.family C.face D.program
3.A.good-bye B.sorry C.good night D.hello
4.A.out B.up C.off D.back
5.A.knocked B.stopped C.followed D.smiled
6.A.home B.truck C.house D.flat
7.A.newspapers B.films C.TV D.radio
8.A.headed for B.went C.looked D.found
9.A.locked B.open C.closed D.burned
10.A.gone B.lose C.burned D.broken
"What is going on?”I woundered as i saw two fire engines parked outside the building of my flat.
Two (1) were rasied as far as the third floor just below my flat.I rushed over and saw a group of bystanders and some fire-fighters standing around the entranceThey recognize me.As I am on the 8 o'clock News everynight,my (2)is familiar to a lot of people.After they said(3)to me ,i asked what was happening and they told me that the flat below mine had caught fire,but they had just put it(4).As i was going into the building,a man carrying a large TV set(5)me,"Could you give a hand putting this into my(6)over there?"While i was helping him i wondered who he was,but then i realized that he must have recognized me from(7).
Smiling,i went into the building and (8) my flat after he drove off.When i reached it,i saw the door(9).Nervously i entered the flat.It was now that i noticed that my TV set was(10).
1.A.house B.ladders C.lines D.kites
2.A.sound B.family C.face D.program
3.A.good-bye B.sorry C.good night D.hello
4.A.out B.up C.off D.back
5.A.knocked B.stopped C.followed D.smiled
6.A.home B.truck C.house D.flat
7.A.newspapers B.films C.TV D.radio
8.A.headed for B.went C.looked D.found
9.A.locked B.open C.closed D.burned
10.A.gone B.lose C.burned D.broken
- 1为了预防冬季感冒,校医室按1:200的配比配制了消毒液.现在有2瓶105毫升的药液,需要加入多少升水?
- 2我要关于忠言逆耳的事例,最好是名人的或有名的!
- 3功放块OCL电路和OTL电路有什么区别
- 4they should test the types of oil in the laboratory,____?
- 5已知椭圆x^2/9+y^2/4=1的焦点为F1.F2.椭圆上动点P的坐标为(Xp,Yp).且角F1PF2为钝角.求Xp的取值范围...
- 6He is waiting where you met last time 这个句子中含有_______从句
- 7爸爸将5000元存进银行,整存整取3年,年利率为3.69%,3年后他可以取回多少钱(5%的利息税)
- 8乒乓球比赛用的球的质量有严格的规定,下面是4个乒乓球的质量检测结果(正数表示超过标准质量的克数)
- 9将标况下VL HCl气体溶于1L水中制得密度为d g/mL的盐酸溶液
- 10围绕着一到休假日,街上就热闹起来.写一段话
- 1用刻度尺测量物体长度时,下列要求中不必要的是( ) A.在使用刻度尺之前,应先观察刻度尺,搞清楚它的量程和分度值 B.测量时只能从刻度尺的零刻度线读起 C.读数时,视线要与尺面
- 2(-2x+5)平方这个怎么算?
- 3请问为什么常数的极限是本身?常数的导数就是0呢?
- 4甲乙两人同时从A地去B地,甲每小时行15千米,乙每小时慢2/5,甲到达B地后返回,在距离B地24千米的地方遇到乙,请问A、B两地之间的距离是多少千米
- 5假设;a:消费函数为c=50+0.9y,投资函数为i=200-5r b:消费函数为c=50+0.9y,投资函数为i=200-10r,
- 6已知函数f(x)=-2x方+bx+c在x=1时有最大值1,并且x∈[m,n](0<m<n)时,f(x)的取值范围为[1 ,1m],试求m,n
- 73减a分之a等于五分之六,求a
- 8佚名简介
- 9如图,已知△ABC中,AB=AC,∠BAC=120°,求AB:BC的值.
- 10海豹、海豚、海狮,哪个动物是海洋中的游泳冠军?