一千零一夜读后感 要英文版的!
thanks a million
thanks a million
阿拉伯传说中有两个朋友在沙漠中旅行,在旅途中的某点他们吵架了,一个还给了另外一个一记耳光.被打的觉得受辱,一言不语在沙子上写道:"今天我的好朋友打了我一巴掌." 他们继续往前走.直到到了沃野,他们就决定停下.被打巴掌的那位差点淹死,幸好被朋友救起来了.被救起后,他拿了一把小剑在石头上刻了:"今天我的好朋友救了我一命."一旁好奇的朋友问道:为什麽我打了你以后,你要写在沙子上,而现在要刻在石头上呢?另个笑笑的回答说:当被一个朋友伤害时,要写在易忘的地方,风会负责抹去它;相反的如果被帮助,我们要把它刻在心里的深处,那里任何风都不能抹灭它.
是啊 友谊难得 只有那些懂得珍惜的人 才配拥有 所以 我们要懂得珍惜
身边的一切—— 友情 亲情 都像是一颗颗美丽的星星 把我们的生活点缀得更加美丽失去了他们 我们的生活就会失去光芒 所以 我们要学着珍惜 珍惜身边的一切 让自己活得更快乐 更美好 .
翻译:Arab legend has two friends in the desert travel on the road to a point that they quarreled,and one gave the other a slap in the face.Was beaten felt humiliated,a word,without a word,wrote in the sand:"Today My good friend hit me a slap in the face."They continue to move forward.Until to the fertile fields,they decided to stop.Slap one who was beaten nearly drowned,but fortunately are friends saved up.Were rescued,he took a small sword in the stone on which are engraved:"Today my good friend saved my life." Inquisitive friend asked:Why did I hit you after you write in the sand on,and now it should be carved in stone?Another answer to a smile,said:When a friend's injury,write in easy to forget where the wind will be responsible to erase it; the opposite if it is help,we want it engraved in the depths of heart,where no wind it can not be undone.
Yes ah know how to cherish the friendship that only those rare people deserve to have it so we have to know how to cherish
Close to everything - a beautiful friendship family ties are like a dolphin star of our life more beautiful embellishment lost their shine will lose our lives so we have to learn to treasure the treasure and everything around him live his life happier Better
是啊 友谊难得 只有那些懂得珍惜的人 才配拥有 所以 我们要懂得珍惜
身边的一切—— 友情 亲情 都像是一颗颗美丽的星星 把我们的生活点缀得更加美丽失去了他们 我们的生活就会失去光芒 所以 我们要学着珍惜 珍惜身边的一切 让自己活得更快乐 更美好 .
翻译:Arab legend has two friends in the desert travel on the road to a point that they quarreled,and one gave the other a slap in the face.Was beaten felt humiliated,a word,without a word,wrote in the sand:"Today My good friend hit me a slap in the face."They continue to move forward.Until to the fertile fields,they decided to stop.Slap one who was beaten nearly drowned,but fortunately are friends saved up.Were rescued,he took a small sword in the stone on which are engraved:"Today my good friend saved my life." Inquisitive friend asked:Why did I hit you after you write in the sand on,and now it should be carved in stone?Another answer to a smile,said:When a friend's injury,write in easy to forget where the wind will be responsible to erase it; the opposite if it is help,we want it engraved in the depths of heart,where no wind it can not be undone.
Yes ah know how to cherish the friendship that only those rare people deserve to have it so we have to know how to cherish
Close to everything - a beautiful friendship family ties are like a dolphin star of our life more beautiful embellishment lost their shine will lose our lives so we have to learn to treasure the treasure and everything around him live his life happier Better
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