The Chinese market offers a huge opportunity for U.S.exporters of goods and services.As of 2004,China’s 1.3 billion population accounted for one-fifth of the world’s total.Its economy is now the fifth-largest in the world,and among the fastest-growing.While experts disagree on how long China can sustain growth rates of around 10% per year,it is virtually inevitable that the world’s largest population will also become the world’s largest market.
The relationship between the United States and China is multifaceted,covering a range of economic,social,political,and security issues.Each of these areas offer prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation,but they also produce tensions.Demands for a “get-tough” approach with China often lead to proposals that trade sanctions be threatened or imposed as a means of pursuing U.S.interests in non-trade issues.
While trade sanctions might be targeted at China,they are just as likely to damage U.S.economic interest
The Chinese market offers a huge opportunity for U.S.exporters of goods and services.As of 2004,China’s 1.3 billion population accounted for one-fifth of the world’s total.Its economy is now the fifth-largest in the world,and among the fastest-growing.While experts disagree on how long China can sustain growth rates of around 10% per year,it is virtually inevitable that the world’s largest population will also become the world’s largest market.
The relationship between the United States and China is multifaceted,covering a range of economic,social,political,and security issues.Each of these areas offer prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation,but they also produce tensions.Demands for a “get-tough” approach with China often lead to proposals that trade sanctions be threatened or imposed as a means of pursuing U.S.interests in non-trade issues.
While trade sanctions might be targeted at China,they are just as likely to damage U.S.economic interest
- 1各移动两根火柴 使它们都变成正确的算式 1+9=8+8 1+6+8=8
- 2已知函数f(x)=x2-2ax+2a+4的定义域为R,值域为[1,+∞),则a的值为_.
- 3衣藻与洋葱表皮细胞有哪四个共同点?
- 4甲乙两人从AB两地同时出发,相向而行,按规定速度他们将在下午5时在途中相遇,如果他们每人每小时都比预定速
- 5用on one^,way to造句
- 6读英语数字的时候,比如2004 的时候,是读two thoussand and four,还是two thousand four?
- 7一次函数y=K1X-4与正比例函数y=K2X的图像经过(2,-1).1)分别求两函数表达式.
- 8666欧元等于多少元人民币
- 9我记得在平抛运动里有个什么“两个速度的角”和另一个什么,找了半天都找不到叫什么,
- 10y=e的1-2x次方 求y的二阶导数