第一篇The Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Fast FoodFast foods,such as hamburger and pizza only need a short time to order.Moreover,nowadays,the restaurants which sell them can be found easily.Therefore,no matter when you are hungry,or wherever you are,there is probably at least one fast food restaurant just a short drive away.Another advantage of eating fast foods is that they have a good taste.For instance,french fries,spaghetti and fried chicken have special flavor which make the consumers be addicted.Because in fact,such fast foods are added with additives,such as Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sodium which can improve the taste of food.However,eating fast foods also has disadvantage is that it is one of factors causing obesity.Generally,fast foods have many of calories and these accumulate in the body as fat deposits that can cause obesity.In addition,with obesity come other problems like high blood pressure and diseases of the joints.Some researchers have shown that there is a direct link between fast food and obesity on children.All in all,human being should think twice if they want to eat fast foods in order to keep away from the negative impacts.第二篇The Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Fast Food There are many reasons that many people love to eat fast food.It is fast and easy to eat food which makes us satisfy.There are too many researches about disadvantage of fast food.I think that fast food has more hamful properties than benefit ones The Advantages are only two:1.It saves your time.2.It catches with your taste buds.The disadvantage lists is quite longer than the advantage lists and are as follows:1.Heart disease – High saturated and trans fat along with high sodium content damages the arteries and high cholesterol clogs the arteries.2.Obesity – High calories slowly settle down in your body and make you fat.3.Peptic Ulcer – Excessive spicy foods induces peptic ulcer.4.Lack of essential nutrients –Being low on nutrients,these junk foods are causing severe lack of essential vitamins,minerals,and other essential components in our body.5.Irregular food habits – These instant and readily available foods have given us a very negative attitude and bad food habits of eating while working or eating while driving or delaying eating time.6.Addiction – These are highly addictive.Once your child get addictive,it will become very difficult for you to make them understand all the pros and con.
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