A protected state,however,defers from a protectorate,because the protected state has gained statehood before it enters into an agreement with another state providing protection for the former.The protection arrangement will not affect the personality of the protected state.For example,Morocco was previously an independent state,until France and Spain invaded it in the twelfth century.The state was divided into a French zone and a Spanish zone.The two European states were fully controlling the foreign relations of Morocco.However,in the Rights of US Nationals in Morocco case(1952)the International Court emphasized that Morocco had retained its international personality,and remained a sovereign state in the circumstances of the case.It should be pointed out that what such protected states are obliged to do is to take any action under the advice of protecting states.
A protected state,however,defers from a protectorate,because the protected state has gained statehood before it enters into an agreement with another state providing protection for the former.The protection arrangement will not affect the personality of the protected state.For example,Morocco was previously an independent state,until France and Spain invaded it in the twelfth century.The state was divided into a French zone and a Spanish zone.The two European states were fully controlling the foreign relations of Morocco.However,in the Rights of US Nationals in Morocco case(1952)the International Court emphasized that Morocco had retained its international personality,and remained a sovereign state in the circumstances of the case.It should be pointed out that what such protected states are obliged to do is to take any action under the advice of protecting states.
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