never so much as的意思?
这个词组的意思以及用法如何呢?请举例说明在翻译它的时候该注意什么呢,有什么技巧呢?Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed--and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europ.请帮忙分解一下后半句的倒装句,以及never so much as 的句子.
这个词组的意思以及用法如何呢?请举例说明在翻译它的时候该注意什么呢,有什么技巧呢?Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed--and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europ.请帮忙分解一下后半句的倒装句,以及never so much as 的句子.
倒装句:never before has it served so much to connect different people and nations as in the recent events in Europ.
正常句:It has never served so much to connect different people and nations as in the recent events in Europe before.
never so much as =not as much as
正常句:It has never served so much to connect different people and nations as in the recent events in Europe before.
never so much as =not as much as
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- 4解不等式 写解集 区间表示
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- 9My hometown is in the city of Fushun.
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- 1已知函数f(x)=x3+(4-a)x2-15x+a,a∈R. (I)若点P(0,-2)在函数f(x)的图象上,求a的值和函数f(x)的极小值; (II)若函数f(x)在(-1,1)上是单调递减函数,求
- 2如梦令中争渡争渡运用了什么修辞手法表现了人物怎样的心情
- 3高中政治计算题.由个人所得税求工资收入的.
- 4英语翻译
- 5请教高手们一个英语语法问题!谢谢
- 6鞠躬尽瘁、垂头丧气、活泼机灵、穷凶极恶、肝胆相照、深情厚谊、赤胆忠心、贪得无厌、雪中送炭、阴谋诡计
- 7设计实验探滑动摩擦力的大小与接触面粗糙程度和压力的关系
- 8Home is the place which we often need to build 语法有没有错误?
- 9一个长方体玻璃缸,从里面量长40厘米,宽25厘米,缸内水深10厘米.把一块石头浸入水中后,水面升到12厘米,求石块的体积.
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