To whom it may concern,
I am writting to you concerning your ad about an apartment you are currently renting. I found the location and quality of your property very attractive. I hope you would be interested to renting it to me. My name is XXX, I am a male/female Chinese national, who will be studying at the university in your city starting next month. I am very excited to come to your country! If you could consider me as your tenent for the next year during my study, it would be wounderful! I am a very tidy person myself, so do not worry about your house, I will keep it as clean as new!
Best regards,
亮瞎你们老师的狗眼~! 哈哈哈 记住把XXX改成你的名字.
I am writting to you concerning your ad about an apartment you are currently renting. I found the location and quality of your property very attractive. I hope you would be interested to renting it to me. My name is XXX, I am a male/female Chinese national, who will be studying at the university in your city starting next month. I am very excited to come to your country! If you could consider me as your tenent for the next year during my study, it would be wounderful! I am a very tidy person myself, so do not worry about your house, I will keep it as clean as new!
Best regards,
亮瞎你们老师的狗眼~! 哈哈哈 记住把XXX改成你的名字.
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